Although the summer was not very generous in terms of sunshine, some of you still managed to obtain a beautiful summer tan. Problem, with the reduction of sunshine in autumn then in winter, this one risks quickly becoming beautiful. However, there are a few tips to help you keep it a little longer than normal. Here they are.
* Tan regularly and clean your skin properly
A tan obtained through regular exposure to the sun is more durable than an “express” tan. So take advantage of the beautiful days of this end of summer to maintain it. Also remember to clean your skin well to rid it of dead cells. All you need is a simple scrub for this.
* Adapt your makeup
To enhance their tan, women should adapt their makeup by using lighter complexions.
* Foods to favor
Certain foods help prolong the benefits of the sun, they will give you a natural healthy glow and allow you to keep your tan for longer. Choose carrots, melons, peaches, apricots or tomatoes.
* Self-tanner
Last possibility, the application of a self-tanner can be effective in case of very discreet sun. However, remember to test it first on a small part of the body to be sure you apply the right amount.