It is always pleasant to enter a room that smells good and on the contrary very unpleasant to encounter a musty smell or an unpleasant scent. However, this is particularly what can happen in a room where there is a carpet since the latter can quickly retain odors and dirt. This is why a natural carpet deodorizer can come in handy! It’s easy to do, even easier to use the results are lovely, leaving the carpet feeling fresher!
What you need:
- One or two large airtight glass jars
- 500 g baking soda
- 30 g of soda crystals (requires wearing gloves, as they can irritate the skin and if you also have a mask, even better! In any case, avoid inhaling or touching them)
- 30 g cornstarch
- 3 ml of lavender essential oil
- 3 ml of lemon essential oil
(The essential oil proportions may seem small, but they are concentrated and using too much could leave oil stains.)
The steps:
1) Pass the baking soda through a strainer to avoid getting pieces in your salad bowl. Add the soda crystals.
2) Add the cornstarch and mix the powders together.
3) Then add the essential oils using a whisk or your hands protected with gloves to incorporate them well into the powder. This step should be carried out carefully so as not to end up with pieces that could leave oil marks on the carpet.
4) Transfer your mixture to the jar(s). Add a label and put everything in a place that is out of reach of children (do not hesitate to explain that it cannot be eaten to avoid accidents).
How to use it?
Sprinkle a little all over your carpet and leave for about 5 to 10 minutes and vacuum up the powder with your vacuum cleaner.
For safety reasons, it would be best if your pets and children do not approach it (this could be irritating in the event of contact or ingestion).