Many people are turning away from large-scale cleaning products in favor of more natural products (clay stone, etc.). Whether they are based on baking soda, liquid black soap, Marseille soap shavings or soda crystals, they have no reason to be ashamed of their effectiveness. Free of toxic chemicals, these ecological products also have the advantage of respecting our health and generally do not have an odor that hits the nose and throat with each use. Since it is always nice to have a cleaner to use on all surfaces with ease, today we offer you the recipe for a cleaner with essential oils!
What’s in this essential oil cleanser recipe?

The base is of course water and white vinegar. The latter is an excellent maintenance product in itself. Descaler, softener and deodorizer against bad odors, this product cleans everything from floors to ceilings and will sanitize the entire house. There are also essential oils which are not there just to perfume with a good smell. Very powerful, these natural products have very effective household properties important for a complete disinfectant cleaner for home maintenance.
Rosemary essential oil kills bacteria, germs and fungi. It’s a excellent disinfectant very valuable in household products! Lemon essential oil is a cleaning essential. She has a degreaser effectt and can disinfect both for scrubbing the bathroom and cleaning stubborn dirt in the kitchen. Finally, cedar essential oil purifies and brings freshness to homemade multi-use cleaning products. It is good for the mind, the skin and all surfaces in the house. Here’s how to make this versatile universal cleaner a success.
On to the recipe:
- A spray bottle of 500 ml or more in glass or stainless steel
- 60 ml of white vinegar
- 10 drops of rosemary oil
- 6 drops of lemon EO
- 8 drops of cedar EO
- water
- A funnel

The all surface cleaner with essential oils step by step:
1) Pour the vinegar into your bottle after measuring the indicated quantity.
2) Add the essential oils. Take your time with those of rosemary and lemon which are more liquid and tend to flow quickly. You shouldn’t use too much!
3) Once done, mix well. Then add water to fill the spray. Then close everything and add a label to prevent the product from being used for anything other than cleaning. Shake your highly effective household cleaner well before each use.