Hair removal or not, the choice is entirely up to you. However, when you decide to prefer hairless armpits, hair regrowth can be very annoying. We may prefer to remove hair with hot wax or oriental wax instead of shaving, but nothing helps: the hair always comes back. And after the rapid regrowth that follows a long, tiring hair removal session where you almost want to think you’re Gandalf in Lord of the Rings and shout at the hair in a loud and convincing voice: “you won’t grow back” at the same time. address of our “fur”. Do you dream of finding solutions to delay the reappearance of your worst enemies? Tigernut oil is what you need! It allows you to avoid rapid regrowth. You can also add it to all your products (moisturizing cream, body butter, etc.), but also in the preparation of a homemade deodorant against the return of hair. Here is the recipe for excellent effectiveness on hair growth and against bad sweat odors.
If hair doesn’t bother you, there’s nothing stopping you from testing a deodorant made from natural ingredients (the recipe here).
What you need:
- 30 ml of aloe vera gel
- 10 ml of peppermint hydrosol
- 8 ml of tigernut oil
- 1 pinch of baking soda
- 25 drops of fragonia essential oil
- A clean and empty special deodorant roll-on (more practical than a pot or spray with this preparation)
The steps:
1) Carefully mix the ingredients in the order given.
2) Pour your preparation into your roll-on and close well.
3) Apply this deodorant like any other deodorant morning and/or evening.
This deodorant does not prevent sweat from flowing. Indeed, it is a deodorant and not an antiperspirant. Also, it offers a long-lasting good smell and a pleasant freshness effect (thanks to bicarbonate which eliminates odors, peppermint hydrosol and fragonia essential oil). And above all, its composition of tigernut oil allows it to avoid too rapid regrowth in the long term.

Other alternative formulas to make a deodorant against hair regrowth:
Still with the famous tiger nut oil, you can also make other homemade deodorants. If you’re looking for simplicity, simply mix 1 teaspoon of corn or wheat starch with 4 teaspoons of tiger nut oil. Then incorporate 12 drops of geranium or palmarosa essential oil which works wonders on perspiration! Otherwise, there is the recipe without compromise with humidity which contains bicarbonate and cornstarch. Here, mix: 5 tbsp of coconut oil, 2 of tigernut oil, 4 of cornstarch and 5 drops of essential oil. For the latter, take inspiration from those mentioned earlier: fragonia, palmarosa or geranium! Enough to smell good under the armpits from morning to evening and avoid sweating!