You cannot clean with dirty instruments. It would never occur to us to wash the dishes with a sponge that is filthy and full of residue or to dust with a cloth already black with dirt. However, passing the broom seems to change a little our assessment criteria in terms of the cleanliness of the tools. Indeed, over time, the bristles of the broom become full of dirt. The dust lodges in the hairs, the hair gets tangled there and the dirt that is swept away settles happily in the middle of all these beautiful people.
To prevent the bristles of the broom from ending up in a dirty state (and because there are a whole lot of things more pleasant than removing the hair stuck to it and putting it in the trash), we offer you a simple improvement to the shovel you use to pick up piles of dirt.
What you need:
- A shovel
- A wide-toothed comb
- Glue (glue gun or strong glue)
The steps:
1) Apply glue to the part perpendicular to the handle.

2) Stick the comb there, pressing very firmly.

3) After sweeping, pass the hairs through the comb so that the last dirt falls out and the hairs are like new.


The video: