An unpleasant feeling of swelling and the desire to pass some gas or burp? No doubt, we are facing aerophagia. On paper, it may seem simple to get rid of it by eating slowly (20 minutes of meals can prevent you from eating too quickly), taking care to chew well, avoiding stress and avoiding certain foods that promote flatulence. (chewing gum, soft drinks, beans, etc.). However, other foods can cause these problems in the event of intolerance (lactose intolerance in dairy products, gluten, etc.) or induce strong fermentation in the digestive system. So what can you do about these inconveniences and stomach aches? The answer in natural remedies against aerophagia and the discomfort of a swollen stomach! Enough to effectively relieve your digestive disorders and calm cramps and abdominal pain.
Also consider probiotics to take care of your intestinal flora. If you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, here are some remedies.
1) Basil herbal tea

Simply infuse a few basil leaves in hot water for about ten minutes and drink this herbal tea. You can also opt for peppermint herbal teas (for its digestive properties) or even lovage (against bloating and gas accumulation), tarragon (anti-spasms) and star anise or star anise. (exclusively for aerophagia).
2) Essential oils against stomach aches

There are many essential oils that reduce intestinal gas. They then bear the sweet name ofcarminative essential oils. Among these, we find peppermint essential oil, lemon essential oil, basil essential oil, dill essential oil and even anise essential oil. You can put two drops of one of them on a neutral tablet or in a spoonful of honey to take after a meal. With two drops of cardamom essential oil per teaspoon of vegetable oil, you will have a perfect and very digestible sauce for your raw vegetable salad.
In case of acid reflux, we advise you to dilute two drops of essential oil in body milk or vegetable oil and massage your stomach counterclockwise.
3) A blend of essential oils

If you suffer from it regularly, it may be interesting to prepare an effective mixture to use in all circumstances! In a 5 or 10 ml bottle, pour lemon, tarragon and peppermint essential oil in equal proportions. Mix well! To use it, put a drop on bread crumbs or in a spoonful of honey.
4) Vegetable charcoal

It can be used for many things, but also, and above all, to reduce gas thanks to its absorption properties (100 times its volume in gas). Before and immediately after the meal, take two charcoal capsules.
5) Three very aromatic blends

Using infusions with herbal teas made from peppermint, chamomile or ginger can always help calm the digestive system and reduce unpleasant symptoms related to bloating. Pour maximize their benefitsyou can nevertheless try mixtures (in herbalism or pharmacy). Here are three recipes from herbal medicine that work very well.
-Add one teaspoon of each of the following spices to boiling water: cumin, caraway, star anise, star anise, green anise, angelica, fennel and thyme. Also add a little cinnamon and honey. Let it infuse for 10 minutes and drink it 3 times a day.
-In your liter of boiling water, you can also infuse 20 g of caraway seeds, 10 g of cumin seeds and 10 g of green anise seeds for 10 minutes. It is a decoction to drink hot after each meal to promote digestion.
-Finally, the last mixture consists of 20 g of star anise fruits, 10 g of green anise seeds, 10 g of angelica seeds, 10 g of cumin seeds and 10 g of fennel seeds pour into a liter of cold water. Bring everything to a boil for 5 minutes. Drink a warm cup after each meal to avoid bloating.
In addition to natural remedies (activated charcoal, etc.), what advice against aerophagia and swelling?

To relieve aerophagia and swelling while improving your digestive comfort, especially after a meal, there are some very simple practical tips to follow:
Eat slowly and chew properly: Taking the time to chew food thoroughly helps reduce the amount of air ingested and aids digestion. Avoid talking while eating to limit air ingestion.
Avoid carbonated drinks: Soda and other carbonated drinks introduce carbon dioxide into the digestive system, which can worsen bloating and aerophagia. Opt for plain water or herbal teas.
Limit gas-producing foods: Certain foods can produce gas, such as beans, cabbage, onions, and dairy products. Try reducing their intake or identifying specific foods that are causing you problems. Chewing gum or sucking hard candy can also cause you to swallow extra air.
Practice regular physical activity: Exercise helps stimulate the digestive system and relieve bloating. Even a simple walk after meals can be beneficial.
Control stress: Stress and anxiety can make digestive problems worse. Relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation or yoga can help reduce symptoms. To combine sport and relaxation, there are yoga exercises against gas.