Cooking has never really been your thing, but you’re making some effort and that’s to your credit. Of course, you haven’t yet become familiar with the oven (too many complicated numbers and buttons). Your best friend is the good old frying pan and inevitably… there are failures!
The problem with stoves is that they are expensive. And you’re a little short this month. Like every month anyway. So there’s no question of buying one again, so if you’ve burned your utensil (it must be said that you didn’t pull any punches!), here’s a little tip that works every time. It’s simple, quick and inexpensive.
What you need:
- White vinegar
- Dishwashing liquid
The steps:
1) Start by pouring two tbsp. has. s of vinegar in your pan.
2) Add a few drops of dishwashing liquid and place your pan on the heat.
3) Let it heat for a few minutes to make cleaning easier. Then remove your pan, and start cleaning it with a simple sponge (be careful not to burn yourself!).
Burn stains should normally disappear like in Mr. Clean ads (except here, the stains will actually disappear). So.

If you don’t have white vinegar, pour 1 to 2 tablespoons of citric acid into your saucepan. Cover with boiling water and leave to act for a few minutes. Then rinse thoroughly and several times. If you don’t have either, you can substitute lemon juice for the vinegar and acid, but with less effectiveness.
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