Stainless steel is found everywhere in modern kitchens (domestic appliances, stainless steel sink, worktop, hob, faucets, silverware, door handles, etc.) and this is normal: this anti-corrosive material has a lifespan very long and therefore perfect for the kitchen. However, it has a knack for ending up covered in fingerprints, water marks and oil stains. To remove these marks, do not use anything abrasive (scratching sponge, brush, etc.) or bleach which is not good for this material. There’s also no need to buy a toxic cleaner when you probably have everything you need at home. Here’s a tip to make stainless steel shine like the first day and erase scratches on all surfaces.
What you need:
- A soft microfiber wipe or a clean cloth
- Baby oil
Steps to shine stainless steel:
1) Pour a little baby oil onto your microfiber cloth. No need to use too much to add shine!
2) Rub the stainless steel surface using circular movements to remove traces without damaging it. Using an oil is excellent for removing greasy food spills.
3) With another soft wipe or a clean corner of the one used earlier, remove as much excess product as possible. For this step, we advise you to follow the direction of the grain of the steel. To do this, we look at the streaks present on the steel. They are horizontal or vertical so you always make a movement from left to right or from bottom to top with the wipe.

How to clean and maintain stainless steel and what other household products without chemicals to make it shine?
For cleaning, you can also use a microfiber cloth soaked in clay stone thansoapy water (black soap, Marseille soap or dishwashing liquid). THE white vinegar also shines and removes dirt such as limescale (or lemon juice, another degreaser and descaling agent) and baking soda allows you to scrub it well without scratching it. L’household alcoholr is very effective in cleaning, removing stains, degreasing, disinfecting and restoring shine. Finally, the beeswax is a good natural eco-friendly product to protect and make this material shine. But above all, remember to do regular maintenance where you rub gently with a sponge soaked in one of these maintenance products to shine!