You have to suffer from migraines to understand how debilitating this pain is, and on a much higher level than headaches which can already be difficult to live with when you commonly suffer from them. In addition to pain, migraine can also cause dizziness, nausea and vomiting and even lead to fainting. So to relieve this illness which can poison life, we are ready to try everything with more or less success: analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed as treatment by the doctor, acupuncture, meditation… We can even rely on remedies from grandmother: eat almonds, massage key areas to relieve yourself with acupressure or even prepare an anti-migraine potion with lemon and salt. However, we’re willing to bet that you’ve never tried this unusual tip that relieves intense symptoms.
On his famous YouTube channel Kamil’s View – Mastery of Life, American business advisor Kamil K. Wawrzyszk offers videos where he coaches those who watch his videos to feel better about their lives and his video on his technique to getting rid of a headache in two minutes has panicked the counters with more than 5.6 million views and many enthusiastic comments of those who tested… and adopted his method even though they were sometimes very doubtful at the beginning!
What is this tip against migraines?
Everything happens mentally:
1) Start by focusing on your head pain. Locate the area where your migraine is located.
2) When you have located your headache, visualize it by giving it the shape (triangle, round, square, etc.)
3) Then ask yourself what color it is (pink, blue, green, red…).
4) Then repeat these same questions until the pain goes away: Where is the headache? What form is the headache? What color is the headache? And so on until it works. That actually allows the head to forget about the throbbing pain.
His video (in English):
So, ready to try his method? In any case, it’s a change from the little anti-inflammatory chamomile or ginger teaor even the application ofpeppermint or lavender essential oil on the temples or back of the neck to soothe and relieve headaches (or diffuse into the air and add to a warm bath after diluting in a carrier oil such as coconut oil, milk or salt). And if you don’t have paracetamol or ibuprofen to relieve the pain of stress-related tension headaches, this unusual tip against migraines at least has the merit of requiring no equipment unlike many natural remedies!
Other natural tips to relieve migraines?

Identify what causes migraines
Identify the factors that trigger your migraines (like certain foods, stress, lack of sleep) and try to avoid them as much as possible. Dehydration can sometimes trigger migraines. So, make sure to stay well hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Some researchers also suggest that people suffering from migraines may also have lower than average magnesium levels. Taking a magnesium supplement or eating magnesium-rich foods like spinach, almonds, and pumpkin seeds might help prevent migraines in some people.
Calm throbbing pain
When you have a migraine, your brain often becomes hypersensitive to external stimuli such as light, noise and smells. Get in the dark and in a quiet place can therefore help to soothe this sensitivity. Use a cold compress or ice pack wrapped in a cloth and apply it to your forehead or painful area. Some people also find relief by applying a warm compress to the affected area. Of the relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing or yoga can help reduce stress and muscle tension, which can alleviate migraine symptoms in the short, medium and long term.
Massage pressure points against migraines
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese practice that involves stimulating certain points on the body using fine needles. Some studies suggest that it may be very effective in reducing the frequency and intensity of migraines. However, many people are afraid of it and don’t want to get started. In this case, acupressure (gently massaging certain pressure points) may be helpful.
Here are some acupressure points often recommended to relieve migraines:
Yintang (Third eye point), between the eyebrows, in the hollow above the nose
He Gu (Valley meeting point), at the level of the skin between the thumb and index finger, massage using circular movements
Taiyang (Point of the big sun), outside the outer edge of the eyebrows, at the level of the temple
Feng Chi (Wind and pool point) at the back of the neck, where the neck meets the skull
Bai Hui (Hundred Meetings Point), at the top of the head, directly above the center of the ears
Shuaigu (the gallbladder meridian), above the upper end of the pinna (about 1.5 cm)
Apply a firm but gentle pressure on these acupressure points for a few minutes at a time, breathing deeply and focusing on relaxation. You can repeat this practice several times a day as needed.