It’s always nice to get together with loved ones for a drink to celebrate a great event or simply for the pleasure of sharing a good meal. However, if you have not invited moderation to your table, it is possible that your usually feline address will turn into clumsy and disorderly movements. Result: your excellent red wine ends up on the carpet/your new dress/your white shirt/Grandma’s tablecloth/…(delete as appropriate). We have spoken to you in the past about the benefits of white wine or milk on this type of stain, but if you don’t have either on hand, here is another option to explore.
What you need:
- Rags or paper towels
- Shaving foam (gel won’t really work here)
The steps:
1) On a very fresh stain, we advise you to take the time to blot up as much liquid as possible. Dab focusing on the stain to avoid spreading it.

2) Then pour a little shaving foam on it and soak the fibers of the carpet or fabric well by kneading a little.

3) Scrub and wipe the foam with a cloth. Go very slowly, but surely.

4) If there are any traces left, you can re-apply foam and rub again until it is perfect. And that’s it!
Shaving foam can remove several types of tough stains and not just on wine! We also really like using it against lipstick stains on a shirt before putting it in the washing machine.
In video:
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