Many children grow up without helping with household chores and never learn basic things like cooking. However, these are things that will serve them all their lives! In addition, it gives them a certain form of autonomy very early on and teaches them a sense of responsibility. And in addition to giving them the feeling of being great and useful, it allows them to acquire certain skills and interpersonal skills: helping others, taking initiatives, being able to count on themselves, etc. Boys must also be taught as soon as possible to participate in all household chores. After all, in a family, it is normal to share tasks and for everyone to participate! However, you must ensure that your little one is able to carry out these tasks without risk. Here is a summary of household chores that children can do depending on their age.
From one or two years old, children can:
– Help pick up their toys
From the age of three, children are able to:
-Clean dust on easily accessible shelves
-Help set the table (especially what doesn’t break)
-Clear their plate
-Feed the animals
-Wipe the floor or table for example when there is a stain
From the age of four, they can be asked to:
-Tidy their room
-Put their dirty laundry in the dedicated basket
-Set the table without fear of breakage
-Hang the coat on the coat rack

From the age of five, possible household chores for children include:
– Help put away groceries
– Help make the bed
From the age of six onwards, possible household chores are:
-Make your bed
-Sweep the house
-Put away your school bag
-Water indoor plants
-Put away clean laundry or dishes
Household chores for children aged eight and over are:
-Help in the kitchen: cut food under supervision, make sandwiches, help make cakes, etc.
-Fold clothes and linens
-Sort laundry
-Clean your room and do the dishes

From the age of nine, they can easily start:
-Vacuum the house
-Hang out clean laundry
-Change the sheets on their bed
-Prepare small, simple dishes
-Wash the sink and bathtub
-Help to maintain the garden
Finally, at eleven years old, we can ask them to:
-Maintain other rooms in the house besides their bedroom
-Operate washing machine and launch machines
-Develop schedules and manage their pocket money
-Wash the car
-Take care of small DIY jobs (e.g. changing a light bulb) and help with simple DIY projects under supervision
Let’s also remember that teaching children to do household chores as quickly as possible will later help them to do them more naturally, without complaining. Enough to put an end to the endless fights to tidy the room and help their parents on a daily basis! Everyone sticks together and thus participates in family life. Furthermore, remember that the ages given here are only indicative. Some children are more or less independent, and therefore more or less able to accomplish different tasks. It is therefore up to you to adapt your requests based on this. The conclusion nevertheless remains that we must trust them and let them try. You will be surprised what they will be able to accomplish!