In terms of usefulness and effectiveness, Meudon white has no reason to be ashamed of vinegar. However, this ultra-practical little product does not enjoy the same notoriety… And that’s a shame! Ecological, biodegradable and safe, it eliminates many chemicals and is suitable for all surfaces because it is not very abrasive. In fact, it cleans, polishes and degreases everything without leaving scratches. Pewter, silverware, brass, glass, copper, marble and even stainless steel should be careful! In addition, it is very economical, which means that you will find it at a good price on the internet or in stores specializing in organic and natural products and even in places where you get supplies for plastic arts and painting, because Meudon white is very useful there too. Here are some examples of household uses.
1) Impeccable tile joints with Meudon white
For joints that no longer have anything white and whose cleanliness leaves something to be desired (especially in the kitchen and the bathroom), it can make all the difference! So, prepare a paste with this powder and a small amount of water. Rub this product on the joints then leave to act for three quarters of an hour before rinsing.
2) To clean marble without damaging it

Marble requires careful maintenance which cannot be improvised. So, the choice of products that we apply is crucial. However, the white of Meudon suits it perfectly and the revives without scratching it. As with the joints, here we must prepare a paste made from powder and water. Then it can be rubbed gently on the marble to clean it.
3) Get clean windows and mirrors
No more need for your blue liquid spray from the supermarket! Pour hot water into a container then dilute 100 g of Marseille soap carefully. Then add another 100 g of Meudon white. All you have to do is clean your windows with a cloth (or rolled up newspaper) and circular movements. Finally, rinse and dry with a microfiber cloth. Your mirrors and windows will never have been so perfect!
4) Polish your silverware and metal surfaces (copper, etc.)

Pour revive metal surfacesthere is nothing better than a chalky paste made from Meudon white. To do this, mix two parts of this powder for one part of water and adjust the quantities to obtain a paste that is easy to work with, but not too liquid. Then shine the surfaces to be treated with your mixture (you can help yourself with a brush). Then, definitely don’t rinse. On the contrary, let the mixture dry and finish the maintenance with a wipe of a soft microfiber cloth or a chamois.
5) Prepare a natural scrubbing stone
Preparing a scouring stone is not complicated. Generally, all you need is the ingredients, the proportions and a vigorous hand to mix everything evenly. Here, you will need to mix two doses of blanc de Meudon for one dose of bicarbonate and another of softened black soap. Then, transfer the preparation into an airtight container. If it is necessary adjust the texture a little with a little waterit’s now or never, because following this, we put the stone to dry for 24 hours and it’s finished!
6) Perfect for ceramic hobs

Glass ceramic is great, but a bit complicated to maintain. Fortunately, there are techniques for cleaning it when it gets really dirty. But above all, it can be easily maintained and make it shine with the right non-toxic natural products if we inquire a little. Meudon white can be useful here by mixing it with a little water (two portions of powder for one of water). Use a soft sponge to gently rub the product onto the plate without scratching it and rinse. Say goodbye to grease and difficult stains !
7) And finally… to brush your teeth!
Until now, we have mainly talked about household uses. But the idea of making toothpaste with this product really surprised us and we had to share the recipe. This product is indeed safe for your health and that of your family, but it is also much gentler on enamel and less abrasive as well as other ingredients often found in homemade toothpastes (white clay, bicarbonate, etc.). Here, you will need to make a homogeneous mixture with 3 tablespoons of white Meudon, 2 tablespoons of water, 3 drops of mint essential oil (for freshness and breath) and 1 drop of oil essential tea tree. We advise you to keep the mixture in an airtight jar.
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