Before the 1920s and 1930s, cellulite as we know it did not exist and the term referred to an infectious inflammation! It was only after the work of Doctor Louis Alquier and the evolution of women’s fashion which exposed more of the skin that it began to become a problem as it became more visible. The women’s press added its grain of salt by increasing the guilt of women for not being able to have a smooth and lean body and by multiplying their complexes and here we are today saddled with cellulite which has become enemy number one of the bodies in bikinis even though this phenomenon is common, normal and still too poorly understood.
If, despite these explanations, you are still confused about your cellulite, do not give in to the marketing sirens praising the merits of pseudo-miracle creams made from petrochemicals! We have a natural treatment for you to help firm your skin and take care of it with real good ingredients. The key to a healthy, beautiful epidermis, however, remains to massage well and apply treatments regularly!

What you need:
- 65 g of shea butter
- 35 g of oily ivy macerate: 35 g
- 30 drops of cypress essential oil
- 20 drops of bourbon or rose geranium essential oil: 20 drops
- 8 drops of vitamin E
- Airtight jar
The ingredients can be purchased in organic stores, herbalists or online. Note that essential oils are not recommended for pregnant women, children, epileptics and some asthmatics.
The steps:
1) Put the shea butter in a bowl and soften it a little by crushing it.
2) With an electric whisk or mixer, beat it for 4 to 5 minutes. This is the step that will give your product
3) Then add the last ingredients without forgetting the vitamin E which will allow you to keep the treatment for up to 6 months! Beat everything carefully again.
4) Transfer the firming whipped cream into your pot and it’s ready!
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