
Cheap and effective homemade fabric softener with an unexpected ingredient

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Using fabric softener is not mandatory and can even be harmful. However, many people find it difficult to do without it when washing in the washing machine. To avoid polluting the water, irritating their skin and suffering from allergies, some people have found a solution: use white vinegar! This natural ingredient helps loosen laundry and softens it in addition to deodorizing it. However, it does not smell very good and essential oils are not the best option to overcome this problem. What if the solution was to concoct a homemade softener that was easy and inexpensive, but very effective and tailor-made to soften laundry?

The advantages of this unusual, but effective, homemade softener:

In our recipe of the day, we explain how to combine white vinegar… with conditioner to make clothes soft! Very economical, this tip is also very beneficial for laundry. This combo will indeed have a excellent softening and deodorizing power on bad odors, all while helping to fight against fluff on sweaters and static electricity on laundry. Rest assured: the conditioner does not foam unlike the shampoo. And above all, it is very gentle on clothing fibers and you can choose the scent that suits you.

Of course, here, there is no need to opt for an expensive product. You can use the bottle that you have trouble finishing because it doesn’t suit your hair or just grab the cheapest conditioner in your supermarket! Added to the price of a bottle of white vinegar, the cost of this homemade softener is simply unbeatable. And above all, it works as well as the commercial product.

Now for the recipe for this amazing homemade softener!

The ingredients:

-750 ml of hot water
-370 ml of white vinegar
-250 ml of conditioner in the scent of your choice
-A large airtight container to store the product (why not an old can of fabric softener or liquid laundry detergent?)
-A whip

The steps:

1) First, pour your hot water into a container.
2) Next, gently whisk in your conditioner.
3) When the product seems well diluted, add the white vinegar. It’s already ready!

You can add this fabric softener in the dedicated compartment in the washing machine with the same quantities than normal fabric softener (adjust depending on the size of your drum and the quantity of laundry to be washed). Otherwise, it is entirely possible to wet a sponge or cloth with this mixture and slide everything into the dryer before turning it on. You will never need to buy store-bought fabric softener again!

Other ideas for recycling conditioner?

If you struggle to finish a bottle of conditioner, our amazing homemade fabric softener recipe is sure to hit the spot. Please note, however, that you can also use it to help a difficult zipper slide better. Just take a little material and apply it where it gets stuck. And otherwise, this hair treatment can be used for shave your legs. This little-known alternative to shaving foam has the merit of costing much less and leaving the skin soft! To be avoided however at the swimsuit level…

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