With the return of sunny days, the hunt for hair is on for many people keen to show off smooth skin in their short seasonal clothes. It is indeed true that hair is sometimes seen as being very unsightly. However, they are sometimes also associated with a lack of hygiene and if that is how you see them, be careful! Indeed, hair always fulfills a specific function and often serves to protect us. Also, removing it can expose us to sometimes very harmful consequences for our health. In this article, we review four areas of the body that you should definitely not wax.
1) Nose hair

Nose hairs are certainly not very aesthetic, but their presence is essential, because we breathe up to 7 liters of air per minute. However, this air sometimes contains impurities that the hairs filter so that they do not reach our body. Beyond this usefulness that we lose during hair removal, plucking actually also presents another risk. Indeed, the nostril dimple is the selective site for Staphylococcus aureus. Removing hair follicles therefore also exposes us to the risk of whitlow or boils. If the hairs bother you a lot, do not hesitate to cut those that protrude with a small clean scissor.
2) Pubic hair

Already in 2017, a study published in the British Medical Journal highlighted the link between hair removal and STIs. And that’s not surprising! These hairs offer very effective protection to this area of the body which is particularly sensitive to viruses and other bacteria. Complete hair removal literally leaves your crotch bare, exposing him to urinary infections and other vaginal mycoses. Add to that pants that are too tight and you have all the ingredients for suffering from vulvodynia (a condition that causes persistent vulvar pain).
If your pubic hair bothers you, at least make sure to use the correct techniques to remove hair. Dermatologists strongly advise against the razor (because of the risk of microcuts increasing the risk of infection) and depilatory cream (whose ingredients are far too aggressive). Therefore, prefer hot wax, cold wax or oriental wax to carry out your bikini line hair removal.
3) White hair: a risk of mass loss

Contrary to what we often hear, pulling out your white hair will not make you grow seven at the back! A hair follicle can only contain one hair. On the other hand, this habit can have other negative consequences. Already, the hair will grow back thicker and straighter: it will therefore be even more visible than before. And what’s more, there will come a time when the hair will no longer grow back at all. You then expose yourself to the risk of loss of hair mass. It is therefore better to cover them with coloring or henna…
4) Facial hair: possible, but not just any way

We sometimes tend to treat facial hair removal as we would the skin of the armpits or legs. However, when you remove hair, the hair on the top of the lip or on the cheeks can unfortunately grow back thicker and fuller if you use a razor, depilatory cream or an electric epilator. The best solution for the mustache and chin is therefore the discoloration. You can also prepare a homemade bleaching cream with natural and economical ingredients. In cases of hirsutism or after menopause during which hard hair tends to grow due to the drop in estrogen, they can, however, be removed. However, in this case it is crucial to disinfect the skin well and the tweezers used or to resort to wax.