Bleach is a classic for many housewives who find it hard to imagine doing without it. However, many people ended up feeling disenchanted with it because of its many faults. Bleach is indeed very dangerous for health and the environment. In addition, it does not contain surfactants. It therefore cannot be used to clean, just to disinfect and whiten stains. Finding more effective alternatives is therefore important for good maintenance of all surfaces in the house, especially laundry that needs to be laundered. Here is a mixture of economical and ecological household products that are a wonderful replacement for bleach.
We know the mixture of vinegar and hydrogen peroxide that many people have adopted, because it is a technique that does not harm the environment and is effective, but which can be very irritating to the skin, eyes and the respiratory tract. This is why we present to you today a gentler and above all very effective mixture. This very economical and ecological recipe will make you forget your can of bleach forever.
What you need:
- 2.8 liters of water
- 60 ml lemon juice (or grapefruit juice)
- 240 ml of hydrogen peroxide
How to make this mixture that replaces bleach
It’s very simple! Just gather all the ingredients you need. Then mix all these elements together. Don’t be afraid to mix, it won’t release any dangerous vapors.

Keep the mixture in a clean airtight container or in a spray bottle depending on the use you wish to make of it (bathroom, toilet, laundry care, etc.). The most important thing is to have a dark bottle to protect the hydrogen peroxidevery fragile and can easily lose its properties if not stored adequately. Do you want to use this product to whiten your laundry? In this case, put 500 ml for washing in the washing machine. Otherwise, simply spray or pour and leave to act for maximum effectiveness.
You will have understood: replacing bleach couldn’t be simpler!