Even when trying to minimize losses in the kitchen, ending up with some food waste can still happen. This is particularly the case when cooking potatoes and not using the peelings. These potato skins then generally end up in the trash. What if instead of throwing them away, you found tips for reusing them? This is what we are offering you today with this recipe for dishwashing liquid with potato peelings.
Naturally rich in solanine, very close to saponin, these peels make it possible to obtain an organic dishwashing product, all without multiplying complicated ingredients. In fact, it simply contains water and baking soda to amplify its cleaning and degreasing power. Forget commercial chemicals even for a moment in favor of this formula that is super easy to make and surprisingly effective on dirty dishes!
The ingredients:
-the peelings of approximately 8 potatoes
-750 ml of boiling water
-1 teaspoon of baking soda
Also provide a large airtight container of around a liter, ideally a glass jar. Also remember to check if you have a colander: it will be useful to you.

How to make your own natural dishwashing liquid with potato peelings?
1) First, slide the clean peelings in your glass jar, then cover them with boiling water.
2) Next, add your baking soda and close your jar.
3) Let the preparation cool gently, then shake the bottle.
4) Place everything in the fridge for 12 hours to give the peelings time to macerate. You can then use your strainer to collect the liquid obtained. It’s ready!
This product used exactly like a classic dishwashing detergent and will even foam like the one from the supermarket. For greater effectiveness, do not hesitate to soak the dishes in hot water before using your homemade cleaner. You will be assured of results even if it already works very well without it.
Note, however, that its preservation is not as good as a classic soap, because it does not contain no preservatives. Over time, it can therefore ferment and develop a pungent odor as well as a sticky film. Generally, it can be kept in the refrigerator for up to eight days. However, you can also consider reducing the quantities to make enough products to have peace of mind for four or five days. It’s up to you to see what is more practical for you, particularly based on your potato consumption.
Other ideas for recycling your potato peels

There is no shortage of ideas for using these peelings. Instead of throwing them in the trash, you could, for example, consider turning them into chips. With spices of your choice, a hint of salt and pepper, a splash of oil and a pass in the oven, you will obtain a very delicious result. It is also possible touse it for household useparticularly to shine stainless steel surfaces or deodorize frying oil. These peels are also useful for reducing dark circles and pimples, soothe burns and sunburns or grow new potatoes from the sprouted parts. Otherwise, the chickens will definitely have a feast!