Energy prices are skyrocketing and electricity bills can therefore become a real thorn in a very tight budget. Everything is good to do to save money: unplug unnecessary household appliances, reduce the consumption of the fridge (particularly energy-intensive), save energy with your oven, etc. Regarding the washing machine, consumption obviously depends on its energy class (class A being the most economical). However, as with the dishwasher, the use we make of it can also have an impact on our bill and cause the costs to vary from simple to double or triple depending on the frequency of use, the programs favored as well as the machine launch time. Find out what time you should activate it to avoid high bills.
Indeed, so that your electricity consumption does not increase too high, there are times to avoid and others, on the contrary, to favor. The washer is not necessarily the appliance with the highest energy consumption (around 6% of a household’s electricity consumption). However, it remains greedy in electricity and water, and therefore constitutes an interesting center for saving money.
Find out the time when you should never start your washing machine
To avoid seeing your energy bills skyrocket, it is best to avoid busy times on the network where demand is very high. Consequently, it is when the price of electricity is highest. This timetable is generally located between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m..
Conversely, it is possible to launch a washing cycle when the consumption peak is lowest. In this niche, the price per kWh is in fact much lower. To do this, it is better to program the wash between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. or between 11:30 p.m. and 7:30 a.m.during off-peak hours usually less in demand by individuals. This allows you tosave up to 25% on your electricity bill. If you are in a building, you can also start the machine between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. out of consideration for your neighbors who may have difficulty with the noise and vibrations caused by your household appliance.

This information is particularly true for the 45% of French people to whom Engie’s “peak/off-peak” pricing (HPHC) applies. For others, taking these times into account allows them to participate in the collective effort of energy sobriety by relieving the electricity network during key times. If necessary, do not hesitate to contact Enedis or your municipality to find out the precise times for off-peak hours.
Other tips for a washing machine that consumes less
There are many tips for using your machine economically and ecologically. Here are some levers of action within the reach of all households.
⇒ Maintain your washing machine properly
Carefully maintain your washing machine’s filters and seals. Dirty, they cause overconsumption of water for the proper washing of clothes and household linen. Descaling with white vinegar or acid is also possible to ensure the durability of the device.
⇒ Choose the right low temperature program
Do not hesitate to use the eco mode whenever possible for more economical washing. If your machine does not have one, you will then need to choose the right temperatures. In fact, washing at 40°C consumes twice as much as a cold cycle. THE washing at 30°C, to be preferred as much as possibleconsumes three times less than that at 90°C. If you sort your laundry well (according to color, dirt and weight), you will also be able to choose the right program more easily. You won’t have to wash on hot by default for lightly soiled or fragile clothes!

⇒ Avoid pre-washing and using too much detergent
Do not pre-wash only for very dirty laundry. In fact, this amounts to making two machines in a row, which incurs significant costs. Furthermore, there is no need to use too much liquid detergent or powder detergent in each cycle. Respect the recommended doses so as not to clog the device and interfere with its proper functioning. As for the softener, it is very polluting and irritating and also clogs the machine. Consider replacing it with vinegar!
⇒ Fill the washing machine well, but without excess
A full machine may not wash well and may end up damaged (in addition to damaging the laundry due to friction and the weight of wet laundry). However, you shouldn’t run a machine for three t-shirts either! For optimized washing and very clean laundry, fill the appliance at least three-quarters full and make sure you can always reach between the pile of dirty laundry and the top of the drum.