Naturally, we tend to gravitate towards lighter dishes and foods that provide us with good hydration in summer. On the contrary, certain dishes synonymous with heaviness no longer appeal to us as much. (We are of course not talking about diehard raclette fans who melt cheese under the August sun…!) And we are right to listen to our bodies! It must be said that certain foods can consume a lot of energy and overload the digestive system. For good digestion, good mood and good sleep despite the high heat, here are the foods to avoid during a heatwave. Don’t hesitate to spread the word to elderly or fragile people who are more vulnerable to temperature rises.
1) Foods and drinks that are too cold, a bad idea in a heatwave

It is often tempting to drink ultra-cold drinks and gorge on ice cream in hot weather. However, if the immediate fresh effect is appreciable, it is then followed by a heat wave produced by the body which seeks to regulate its body temperature while heating! In fact, we therefore obtain the opposite effect to that desired. Food level, therefore avoid excessively cold or hot temperatures and take inspiration from the desert people who always rely on a good infusion to hydrate themselves when the mercury is high.
2) Spicy foods should also be avoided during a heatwave

In addition to having a weakening effect on the digestive system, spicy foods make you thirsty and make your sweat smell bad! So if you like good barbecue grills, leave aside those with chili or paprika in favor of meats enhanced by a lime marinade For example.
3) Fried foods

In summer, fried fish or shellfish dishes are great classics. Unfortunately, they contain a high dose of salt and fat which are harmful to digestion and create severe dehydration.
4) Alcohol does not go well with hot weather

Alcohol has a dehydrating effect and can also promote insomnia, headaches and digestive problems. Some of them, such as red wine, are even less recommended, because their tannic load gives hot flashes. If you really can’t do without alcohol, choose the freshest ones: rosé, white wine or beer… and in moderation of course, because alcohol is very sweet and high in calories.
5) Coffee

Bad news for those who chain the cups together, coffee is not recommendedespecially in excess! The fact that it produces acidity in the stomach and that it makes you nervous are two negative factors when the temperatures are good. Heat stroke guaranteed! It is possible to replace it with black tea or green tea or herbal teas without sugar if possible. You can drink them hot or cold depending on your preferences.
6) Salty snacks and chips among the worst foods during a heatwave

They accompany our football evenings and all our barbecues, but their richness in salt makes them enemies in summer. In fact, they amplify the feeling of thirst… In fact, it is better to opt for seasonal fruits and vegetables and raw vegetables to keep the taste while hydrating and preserving your health.
7) Red meat

Red meat is fattier than white meat. In fact, the body must do more effort during digestion and this leads to greater heat production by the body. This is why it ranks high among the foods to avoid during a heatwave!
To replace it, do not hesitate to choose lean fish such as cod or sole which are easy to digest and do not overload the digestive system. Otherwise, lean meats (like chicken and more generally poultry) are less heavy than red meats. These are light, easy-to-digest foods that will allow barbecue lovers to enjoy themselves without feeling heavy or suffocating in the heat! In short, nothing beats a good fish plancha in olive oil or a turkey cooked in a pan rich in tryptophan which promotes good sleep.
8) Sweet drinks and high heat do not go well together

When we talk about sugary drinks, we immediately think of sodas, which we often recommend avoiding from our diet. However, fruit juices and flavored waters are generally not left out. Sometimes count up to five pieces of sugar for a bottle of industrial water! They also contain sweeteners, another ingredient that, like sugar, promotes thirst and dehydration.
Important: drink water regularly throughout the day, even if you don’t feel particularly thirstyto avoid dehydration. Water is essential to staying hydrated. If the idea of drinking water alone doesn’t appeal to you, there are also waters infused with fruits (citrus fruits, red fruits, lemon, etc.). You can also add mint for more freshness. Also think about unsweetened coconut water. Rich in natural electrolytes, it helps to rehydrate the body. And of course, you can opt for cold infusions (sugar-free iced tea, mint infusion, verbena, lemon balm, etc.).
9) White sugar and white cereals

Carbohydrates are a real source of energy for our body. It is therefore out of the question to do without it, but it is necessary avoid white starchy foods (heavy to digest) et fast sugars that are quickly metabolized which is found en masse in all sweet industrial products. In fact, they create a feeling of thirst. Prefer fruit sugar to satisfy your cravings for sweets and favor whole-grain starchy foods which contain more fiber. For example, you can replace the potato with sweet potato which is richer in mineral salts (which we lose due to perspiration) and fiber (good for transit).
10) Charcuterie

Enter this high salt content which stimulates the feeling of thirst et its difficult-to-digest fatsthere is no need to think long about why it is better to reduce your consumption of cold meats in summer. You can nevertheless replace the sausage with grisons meat which remains very salty, but is much less fatty.
11) And to close this list of bad foods in the event of a heatwave: very mature or hard cheeses

They overload the body and are very heavy to digest because of their lack of water and their richness in fat. For example, avoid cheeses that are too fatty and heavy like Camembert, Brie and hard cheeses like cheddar and gouda, because they are more difficult to digest and may increase the feeling of body heat. On the other hand, certain cheeses are rich in water and lighter. They can therefore prove interesting in summer, notably fresh goat’s cheese, mozzarella or even ricotta.
You know the foods and drinks to avoid during a heatwave, but which ones to favor when it’s hot?

During heatwaves, it is also important to eat smaller, more frequent meals pour avoid the feeling of heaviness and facilitate digestion. Above all, avoid heavy, fatty, and very spicy meals which can increase the feeling of body heat, but also cause discomfort.
As for food itself, when it’s very hot it’s essential to choose foods that not only cool you down, but also help you maintain good hydration et provide the nutrients needed to withstand the heat. This includes for example fruits and vegetables rich in water et seasonal such as watermelon (which is over 90% water and rich in vitamins A and C), cucumber (also over 90% water and perfect for salads and fresh snacks), melon (also rich in water and vitamins), lettuce (which provides a lot of water and is light for the digestive system), celery (very hydrating and low in calories) or even tomatoes (for a good supply of water and in lycopene, an antioxidant).
Finally, don’t sulk refreshing herbs and spices in cooking like mint or coriander, perfect for salads and cold dishes.