Some multi-use household products can be used on all surfaces. However, sometimes you have to be careful not to test certain maintenance products on more fragile types of materials, otherwise you risk damaging them. This applies to our floors which can sometimes swell due to water or become speckled with marks. Worse still, white vinegar, which we know is an ally everywhere in the house, can even damage wooden floors! Also, not all grandmother’s solutions apply to all types of floors and coverings. In order to know the best methods for cleaning your floors with natural products to limit unfriendly chemicals, here is a very useful guide to keep on hand for your next floor cleaning.
Important: Before cleaning, always sweep or vacuum carefully (with a nozzle suitable for fragile floors). This will remove most of the dirt and dust before using the right cleaner to ensure the floors are clean and well cleaned. Note in passing that these floor cleaning products are mostly found in supermarkets, organic stores or DIY stores.
Cleaning tiles, a floor that is not always very easy

Tiles are very beautiful and sturdy floors, but they can be a real pain to clean. Already, there are the joints which tend to become clogged and in addition, there are often traces. Let’s take one problem at a time here! To save a tile joint, it is often enough to give wet toothbrush and Meudon white. A paste of baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and a few drops of dishwashing liquid will remove stubborn stains. And for dirt on the tiles themselves, mix 1 cup of vinegar and 1l of water and mop the floor.
All our tips for making tile floors shine and maintain them here.
Cleaning a wooden floor
Although there are many solutions for maintaining a wooden floor, be aware that white vinegar should be avoided for this cleaning. So, how to clean your wooden floor? Start diluting 2 tablespoons of black soap in 5l of hot water. Then pass the microfiber mop, taking care not to saturate it with liquid. It is important to wring it out well so as not to risk damaging the wooden floor with humidity when scrubbing.

What about washing laminate flooring?
First, moisten the mop with hot water and a drop of dishwashing liquid. Above all, wring it out well to avoid swelling your laminate flooring. If necessary, you can always use a clean dry cloth to wipe off excess water.
Cleaning the linoleum floor
Lino is easy to maintain, but it can sometimes leave marks depending on the detergent used. Fortunately, stains can be avoided and removed by rinsing and wringing the mop regularly during cleaning. In terms of household products, we keep things as simple as possible here. Equip yourself with dishwashing detergent (1 drop) and white vinegar (one glass). Then dilute everything in 5 liters of hot water. To add an extra layer of shine, apply a thin layer of pure wax milk with a soft microfiber cloth every 6 months.

And to make a marble floor shine?
How to restore shine to a marble floor without damaging it? First of all, we must remember that marble is very fragile. Acidic detergents (lemon juice, white vinegar or anti-limescale product) are to be formally banned on natural stones and porous materials such as marble. As for bleach, it should also be forgotten for marble. So, which products are suitable? Better to use a simple basin of water with added Marseille soap or liquid black soap (one cap per liter of hot water). If there is a stain, dilute soda crystals in hot water. Wipe the dirt with a soft cloth. And to make it shine, use drying linseed oil when buffing.
And for cleaning carpet, our cleaning tips can be read here.
Infographic that summarizes all this information on floor maintenance: