Caught in a creative impulse, our little budding artists sometimes use the walls as a canvas. This is actually a little mistake that many parents have experienced. However, if some take it with humor, sometimes ready to frame the work in question, others may take it with less philosophy. Indeed, when you are a tenant or have not considered decorating with stick figures and garish scribbles, these drawings on the wallpaper or non-washable paint can make you cringe! Fortunately, once a child has drawn on the walls, you can always find a way to clean stubborn stains. Here’s how to get clean walls again.
Cleaning washable paint
A simple eraser, crumb or even a magic sponge will do the trick very well on a pencil mark, even if it means fine-tuning afterwards with a sponge soaked in hot soapy water. As for a mark of felt, you will have to use other maintenance products. A soft cloth soaked in 70° alcohol is the ideal solution here. For Crayola crayon stains, you can use white toothpaste or heat the wax and soften it with the hair dryer before wiping with a cloth to remove it.
However, avoid using white spirit or bleach, two chemicals which will also have tendency to leave indelible marks on the paint.
Cleaning non-washable paint
Here you can use a potato cut in half to remove pencil, felt-tip or even ink stains. This amazing grandmother’s tip couldn’t be more effective on most drawings. Simply proceed in circular movements and then use a damp sponge to rinse the traces of starch present on the wall.

Cleaning washable wallpaper
Cleaning stains on wallpaper is always a tricky task, but less so in the case of washable wallpaper, which is easier to maintain with basic household products. To remove felt-tip or pencil drawings from your dear little ones, you can notably use hydrogen peroxide in your bathroom closet. Pour a few drops onto a cloth, then gently rub the stain using a dabbing motion. Then use a damp sponge to rinse. For a pencil stain, use warm, soapy water and delicate rubbing movements.
Whatever solution you choose, do not wet the sponge or cloth too much so as not to soak the wall too much. Furthermore, rub always gently so as not to damage the wallpaper or peel it off. It will be a shame to puncture it!
Cleaning non-washable wallpaper
For a marker or ink stain, you can use a few drops ofhydrogen peroxide on a clean soft cloth. Dab the stain thoroughly and repeat the operation as often as necessary, always allowing the paper to dry well between two attempts. As for the pencil stain, you can spread a little white toothpaste with fingertip. Then leave it on for 15 minutes and remove everything with a damp cloth. Alternatively, you can dip a cotton swab in ammonia to blot the stain before rinsing with a sponge. This last solution is, however, more chemical.
Remember: in the case of a pencil mark on non-washable paper, we avoid putting water directly on it and of soak it too much.
How to prevent your child from drawing on the walls in the future?

Children can all do stupid things. Even if they can help us at the time, they are an opportunity for them to grow and learn the rules of the household (but also of society!). In this case, parents can here take several preventive measures to prevent this from happening or happening again. For example, installing slate-effect wall plaques in their room or even large chalk boards will allow them to give free rein to their creativity. Large sheets or cardboard can also be good supports. It is also possible to only buy pencils, markers and paints that are easy to clean. A water-based paint will in fact be more easily washable than another with a simple damp cloth!
And above all, don’t hesitate to involve your children in cleaning up their mess. This positive educational punishment will make him aware of the consequences of his actions.