With exposure to the sun, our skin can react strangely. Blisters, heat rash, sunburn, you have to be very careful during the summer periods. And when we have imperfections, the sun’s rays can temporarily give us beautiful blemish-free skin. In fact, the epidermis thickens, which blocks the pores of the skin and limits the production of sebum. However, the spots come back with a vengeance at the start of the school year and the skin is even worse in the end. Here are some tips to avoid after-sun breakouts.
1) Hydrate your skin well
It is an essential item every day, especially during the summer. Indeed, expose oneself in the sun weakens considerably the skin. It is therefore necessary to feed it intensely so as not to weaken it too much. Whether with a Moisturizing cream non-comedogenic or by drinking lots of water, all techniques are good for nourishing your skin.

2) Prepare your skin well for the sun
Expose yourself to the rays of soleilalso means preparing your skin well. First, make scrubs to remove all dead skin. For sensitive skin, allow for one scrub every two weeks and one per week for less reactive skin. Then make masks to remove impurities. The cucumber mask is very effective because it helps heal burns. It is also obviously necessary to carefully to clean the skin.

3) Protect yourself from the sun
We can never say it enough: it is absolutely necessary to protect from UV rays. Even very matte skin needs to apply cream in order to protect itself as much as possible from the start of its exposure. This considerably avoids allergic reactions such as after-sun spots.

4) Eat healthy
It is important to avoid fat and to promote fresh and healthy products. In fact, fat promotes the secretion of sebum and therefore pimples. It is therefore important to pay attention to your food.

5) Avoid makeup
This is a step that we find difficult to leave aside. However, foundation, powders, concealer… all of this applied to our visage does not let the skin breathe. It is therefore important to leave aside the makeupor even simply lighten it so that the skin can oxygenate.

6) The zinc cure and aloe vera as allies to avoid pimples
The zinc is mainly found in meat or fish. It is very effective, because it acts directly on imperfections and sebum, and avoids inflammations. There is also zinc in capsule form. As for aloe vera, it is a natural product which acts directly on imperfections, and therefore prevents inflammation.

7) Use natural products like essential oils
Pour heal the skin, the vegetable oils like jojoba or nigella oil are perfect. You can also dilute a few drops of essential oils such as tea tree oil or lemon oil which are very effective in fighting against imperfections. Lots of other tips are very effective for after-sun breakouts, so use natural products like egg, lemon, apple cider vinegar, baking soda as a face mask.