It’s impossible to imagine a day at the office, a hike or a sports session without a well-filled bottle or flask! However, for hygiene reasons, you have to think at one point or another about giving them a good cleaning to chase away germs. Moreover, all you have to do is slip a smelly drink inside and you will end up with odors within a few hours. Finally, (the height of glamour!) a bottle or flask forgotten for too long in a backpack or at the back of the cupboard can end up with a little mold at the bottom. However, we don’t always know how to reach them! How to resolve these few problems and find a very clean container? To eliminate germs, mold, dirt and bad odors in a single step, find out how to effectively clean a bottle or flask.
1) Get a special bottle brush.
This inexpensive investment will go a long way and all it takes is a little soap and hot water to scrub the inside.

2) Boiling water left to sit for a few hours in a metal bottle will help dissolve dirt.
A little water and dishwashing liquid will then do the rest.

3) Divert the use of denture tablets to clean a bottle
Do you have denture tablets on hand? Perfect ! Slip 2 or 3 into the bottle or canteen that needs a big cleaning and add hot water. Leave it on overnight and rinse with water and dishwashing liquid.

4) Sprinkle baking soda inside and let the magic happen!
Leave a little baking soda for a few hours and the rest in hot water in your bottle. Rinse with water and dishwashing liquid. This white powder will very effectively sanitize and deodorize the dirty bottle. You can also try the freezer to deodorize a plastic water bottle. It’s very effective!

5) White vinegar to clean a bottle or gourd
Pour white vinegar into the bottle and leave overnight. Rinse with water and dishwashing liquid. Don’t worry, the taste and smell of the vinegar won’t remain. It nevertheless remains an excellent cleaner and deodorizer, perfect for neutralizing bad odors inside the container.

6) Soak a pipe cleaner in dishwashing liquid and use that to clean your straw.

7) No need to scrape too much: just use raw rice!
Pour rice into the bottle with water and dishwashing liquid. Then shake hard. Whether cleaning a bottle, a flask or your favorite vase, this tip will work wonders.

8) And how to clean the lid of your water bottle or the cap of your bottle?
You can put a drop of bleach in the bottom of a bowl, add baking soda and finish filling with hot water. Leave the cap to soak for at least 4 hours. Otherwise, just use hot water and vinegar. It’s more natural!

9) Last idea for cleaning hard-to-reach corners
A cotton swab dipped in alcohol will help you clean the most inaccessible areas of the lid. You can also use an old toothbrush!
