Given the amount of time we spend in bed, we generally want to choose our bedding carefully. However, we neglect mattress maintenance a little too often. It’s a bit of a shame, because it’s a big investment. However, between the dead skin that we leave there, the mites and the 40 cl of water that we drain every night (i.e. 300 l per year), there is plenty to do! Besides, this is why the mattress is always heavier when you get rid of it than when you buy it. In addition, stains quickly take up residence there since its coating is generally white. However, there is no question of buying an expensive commercial product to eliminate dirt and deodorize it. To clean a mattress, you can do most of the work with economical products that you already have.
How to choose the best mattress
Cleaning or not, a mattress should be changed every 10 to 15 years. Fillings, dimensions, brands…It is not always easy to know how to choose your mattress. First of all, are you interested in the support of the mattress as well as the reception. You can in fact choose soft support or firm support, or even very firm, and have a soft or tonic welcome. These are therefore two criteria to carefully check when purchasing. The firmness will mainly depend on your body size and body shape. Larger sleepers generally need a firmer mattress.
As for the type of mattress, it will all depend on your preferences. THE spring mattress will be perfect for sleepers who feel hot at night thanks to their good ventilation. Well bagged, they will also offer good independence of sleep to couples. This therefore helps to cushion movements. THE memory foam mattress also have good sleeping independence as well as good resilience. THE foam mattress is more affordable, but lasts shorter due to humidity. For good durability, choose a foam of more than 30kg/m3. Finally, the latex mats is hypoallergenic and very ventilated.
In terms of size, the best mattress will have a width of minimum 160 cm for couples to reduce nighttime awakenings. In all cases, prefer to opt for a mattress without treatment (biocide, antibacterial, anti-mite, etc.) to ensure the quality of the ambient air in your room.
1) Basic tips for properly cleaning a mattress

First of all, know that it is better treat the entire surface rather than specific areas. Indeed, unless you want to specifically treat traces of blood or urine stains left by a child, cleaning a mattress completely will help avoid marks. Furthermore, make your cleaning preferably in the morning in a ventilated room to give it time to dry. On the other hand, never soak the mattress, always use a well wrung out washcloth For example. And above all, don’t forget to use a fleece mattress protector that you will wash regularly. However, avoid waterproof models which make you sweat more and don’t let the mattress breathe. Finally, simply vacuum when you change the sheets to remove dust, dead skin and bed bugs that eat you at night.
2) With baking soda

The last thing you want on your mattress is bad smells of sweat, musty or various products… That’s where baking soda comes in! He neutralizes unpleasant odors, absorbs moisture and sanitizes effectively. Thus, it is an economical and effective product for cleaning and disinfecting. And what’s more, you can add a few drops of essential oil to it to provide a good smell. To do this, sprinkle it all over the mattress, brush once to better spread the powdery residue and wait 5 to 6 hours for it to take effect. Then, we finish with a vacuum cleaner to remove the excess powder. Furthermore, you can refresh your mattress a little once a month : you must leave the bicarbonate to act for 30 minutes before vacuuming.
Another alternative:
If you just want to provide a pleasant smell without sanitizing, you can do the same with talcum powder! It is very effective in absorbing and eliminating stubborn bad odors.
3) With dishwashing detergent

Dishwashing detergent has all kinds of uses that don’t just involve washing dishes! So, we don’t hesitate to use it to clean a mattress. First, add 10 drops of your dishwashing detergent to a liter of hot water. You can then spray on the mattress in a small quantity and rub with a cloth or pass a very wrung out washcloth directly. Indeed, we are not trying to soak it ! Otherwise, beware of humidity in the bed once lying in it or possible mold. Then you can use terry towels to dry off the larger part and let it air dry.
Other alternatives:
You can keep the same technique by replacing your soapy water with household alcohol. In addition, it is often fragrant. More natural, white vinegar will also work ! Here, mix one part with three of hot water. Leave it on for a few hours then let it dry. Finally, think about soda crystals handle with protective gloves. Allow three glasses per liter of water to clean a mattress.
Marseille soap will be a good cleaning method for removing light stains. However, for stains of blood, perspiration, mold or pee, no need for bleach! Instead, check out our grandmother’s tips for removing stains from a mattress to remove stubborn stains. Hydrogen peroxide (or hydrogen peroxide), black soap, lemon juice, spirit vinegar… you will discover the best stain remover for cleaning a stain and some tips to avoid leaving a mark during stain removal.