Clothing, sofas or armchairs, cars… the longevity of leather depends very much on how it is used and maintained on a daily basis. If you are not careful, over time it can become covered in stains or start to crack. And given the price it costs, it is a luxury that we cannot afford, hence the importance of knowing all the good techniques to clean it, detach it and nourish it without damaging it. The good news is that for everything made of leather, and particularly for the seats and upholstery of your car, household products and maintenance procedures are very similar. Also, what is good for your car leather will also be good for your furniture and the parts of your dressing room. Make way for grandmother’s tips for shiny leather that’s in good condition for a very long time.
1) What regular maintenance for car leather?
Every week, pass a microfiber cloth or a soft cloth dampened with water over your leathers to remove dust, pollution and pollen which tend to accumulate there, even if you do not use your vehicle. In addition to dusting off all these inserts, also remember to feed them and polish them approximately every three months. To do this, there is no need to break the bank with a commercial cleanser, balm or wax. Simply massage make-up remover milk or a moisturizing cream (such as Nivea cream) onto the surfaces to be shined using a soft cloth and delicate massages.
If these steps are not enough to clean, revive and shine the leather in your car and make your seats clean, try the tips below which are ideal for stains (coffee, vomit, food, etc.), crumbs, etc.

2) Marseille soap to clean car leather
After dusting the interior of your automobile, you can restore all its shine and cleanliness original at each seat with a wet washcloth that you have previously coated with real Marseille soap. Scrub all surfaces to be cleaned, then repeat with a clean damp cloth to rinse off the soap. Finally, dry with a dry cotton cloth.
3) A mixture of make-up remover milk and white vinegar
Make-up remover milk allows leather to be cleaned and gives it shine and hydration. By adding two drops of white vinegar (which helps it penetrate better) on a cotton pad or soft cloth, you obtain a very effective cleaning product to apply to leather. Use this solution to gently rub them, then use a second cotton pad, this time soaked in moisturizing cream.
4) Clay stone for stains on car leather
For the stubborn and encrusted stains in leather, bring out the heavy artillery! To do this, use a damp sponge soaked in a little clay stone and gently polish the marks to make them disappear. Then, still using delicate movements, proceed to rinse and dry your leathers. (Important: do not use this tip on more fragile leathers so as not to damage them.)

5) An effective mixture to prevent leather from cracking
Over time, the leather may crack in places. To avoid it, mix white vinegar and flaxseed oil in a spray bottle. Count here one dose of vinegar for two of oil. Once the mixture is obtained, you can apply a small quantity once a month (possibly after cleaning with Marseille soap if this seems necessary to you). This will be more than enough to preserve the suppleness of the leather and prevent it from deteriorating.
6) Egg white, the surprise tip for car leather
Recently, we talked about preservation methods and possible uses of egg white to avoid wasting it in cooking if a recipe only requires the yolk. What we didn’t tell you is that you can also use it on your seats to make them shine intensely ! To do this, beat your egg whites and apply them to the leather with a soft, lint-free cloth.
7) Talc, especially for colored leather

Red, brown, blue… colored leather is not uncommon in our vehicles. To clean them perfectly, dip a flannel cloth in talcum powder and rub the leather gently. Then finish with a clean soft cloth to remove the excess and not leave white residue on the seats. After this cleaning, you can restore shine to the leather with a paste made with 2/3 turpentine and 1/3 soft beeswax.
In addition, discover here a tip for repairing a scratched leather seat.