Over time, a vehicle’s plastic can accumulate dirt, mud, dust, and fingerprints or salt. Don’t let these stubborn stains tarnish the appearance of your vehicle anymore! From the dashboard to the door trim to the center console, every plastic surface can be restored to its original shine with the right techniques. Discover the steps to follow to finally know how to clean the plastic interior of a car as well as the maintenance products that eliminate dirt while preserving the integrity of the materials. With these tips, even when the plastic is very dirty, you will no longer have to worry about leaving annoying marks or spending hours scrubbing!
To give the interior of your car an impeccable appearance and restore its former luster and freshness, don’t do things by halves! Also consider complementing these tips and tricks with our techniques for cleaning seats and our methods for easily scrubbing floor mats.
Step One: Gather What You’ll Need to Clean Car Plastic
Here, there is no need to go to a mechanic or specialist store (Norauto, Feu Vert, etc.). All the household products you might need are probably already at home! We present them to you further so that you can make your choice. In addition, consider possibly providing a vacuum cleaner (optional), clean, dry microfiber cloths (or a sponge) as well as cotton swabs or an old toothbrush for areas that are difficult to wait for (folds, ventilation grilles, etc.). These tools will allow cleaning without scratching or risking damaging the plastic inserts.

The second step: always dust the plastic from the car
If you have an extension cord or a handheld vacuum, you will be able to vacuum the upholstery and seats. However, for what interests us here, namely the plastic of the vehicle, instead use a slightly damp microfiber cloth. This will trap dust well. However, it is very important not to skimp on dusting! Indeed, without it, your cleaning will not be very effective and you will only move dirt everywhere as you scrub. At this stage, also go over the small nooks and crannies with your cotton swab or toothbrush. This way, most of the work will be done.
You will then only have to choose between the household solutions presented below. Note that all of these suggestions are suitable for this type of cleaning. They allow you to clean and polish plastic without discoloring or damaging it !
The third step: cleaning the plastic of the car with natural products

If the planet is important to you and your wallet too, you are sure to appreciate these ecological and economical products below.
A mixture of soapy water and white vinegar
First mix water with dishwashing detergent or Marseille soap. Then add a little white vinegar to boost cleaning effectiveness. For a small container, a teaspoon will be more than enough. All you have to do is take your mixture with a cloth, rub, then finish with a clean, dry cloth.
Oleo-limescale liniment for car plastic
Whether homemade or store-bought, the oleo-lime liniment you use on your baby’s bottom can help gently clean and remove very dirty plastic. So, go quickly to the baby’s room to borrow it! Simply pour a little onto a cloth before buffing.
Black soap
On a damp sponge or cloth, add a small drop of black soap and rub the plastic. This will not only clean it, but also revive it if it appears dull from wear and time.
Sodium bicarbonate and tea tree essential oil
Baking soda is a multi-use product that can clean everything in the car (bodywork, seats, headlights, etc.). To use it on plastic, we advise you to use a spray bottle. In this sprayer, pour 2 tablespoons of this powder and 6 large spoonfuls of hot water. In addition, you can add up to 8 drops of tea tree essential oil to deodorize and disinfect treated surfaces. All you have to do is shake well, then spray the mixture on the plastic and rub with the cloth.
Olive oil and/or flaxseed oil
Olive oil and linseed oil are two vegetable oils that provide deep cleaning plastics. Be careful not to add too much though! Just use a few drops on a soft, lint-free cloth and rub in small circles. Finish with a brief buffing with another clean, dry cloth this time.
The combination of soda crystals and bicarbonate for very dirty plastics
For perfect cleaning, especially on very dirty surfaces, nothing beats this little recipe! To make it, we will simply pour a teaspoon of bicarbonate and a tablespoon of soda crystals into a sprayer. Then, you can add around fifteen drops of essential oil (mint, eucalyptus, tea tree or lavender for example, but avoid lemon to reduce the risk of discoloration). However, it is an optional ingredient. All that remains is to add water and shake. Spray dirty areas, leave a little, rub and wipe.
Prepare natural cleansing wipes
With old rags, towels or microfiber wipes you can prepare your own cleaning wipes. This will be very practical for the car, because you will only have to take the jar with you and pick inside to scrub the plastic. Of course, this solution is zero waste, ecological, economical and very practical, especially since the wipes not used in the car can be used for the whole house: tables, kitchen counter, etc., and you can pass them on. machine after use to reuse them endlessly. To soak them in cleaning solution, you can use this recipe or this alternative.
You can also use certain chemicals without risk on the plastic of the car!

Make-up remover milk
Excellent for cleaning and nourishing a leather sofa, make-up remover milk can also be used to shine plastic. Just put a little on a cloth before rubbing. This will help clean and revive treated areas, even in an old vehicle.
The WD-40
In more than one way, WD-40 is very useful for vehicle maintenance. This helps remove difficult stains and residue while adding shine to this material. Simply spray a small amount on the area to be cleaned before spreading and rubbing with the cloth. Shine guaranteed!
Fabric softener, the surprise product for car plastic
The softener allows you to pleasantly scent the car and renovate its plastics to find them impeccable. It can be used alone or after another maintenance product for finishing. Its antistatic effect will also prevent dust from returning too quickly. This will keep the car clean for longer. To do this, simply put a few drops on a cloth and polish the plastic using circular movements. Finally, let it dry well.