Cleaning the exterior of the windshield is often a matter of course for all drivers. A wash and wiper is usually enough. We also sometimes go to the car wash, use the squeegee, the high pressure jet and the cleaning products offered by the car wash center. In passing, we give the rims, headlights and body a karcher blow and it’s already finished. However, when it comes to the inside of the windshield, there is suddenly no one left to clean! However, both sides are equally important for good visibility of the road. So, what can you use to wash indoor dirt? Here is our easy and above all economical tip for complete cleaning.
And to avoid the accumulation of mist in winter, consider using cat litter slipped into a sock. Dishwashing liquid is also very effective against condensation on windows.
What you need to clean the inside of the windshield:
-Hot water
-Dishwashing liquid
-White vinegar
-2 microfiber cloths (to avoid micro-scratches by removing dirt) or newspaper rolled into a ball
-Optional: hanger
The steps:
1) Pour hot water into a pot or bowl. Add a teaspoon of dishwashing liquid (no need to add too much) and complete with a few drops of white vinegar.
2) Mix carefully and soak your clean cloth or sponge with this cleaner. Then wring it out well so as not to get liquid all over the dashboard.
3) Rub the inside of your windshield with your dampened microfiber cloth to remove all dirt and dust. To scrub small dirty corners that are hard to reach, you can help yourself with a hanger For example. Also remember to detach the other windows.
4) Finally, you must wipe everything with a dry, clean cloth to dry it. No need to rinse after cleaning the interior windows. Your dirty windshield will have regained all its shine and cleanliness!

And for an express cleaning for those times when you don’t have time?
Just use crumpled damp newspaper or a dampened chamois.
Also keep your rags handy to combat frost! You can actually put salt in it to chase away the frost very quickly. You can also make a mixture of alcohol and dishwashing liquid to quickly defrost the windshield. You can also clean the interior and exterior side of the windshield with this homemade cleaning product.