Just like walls, baseboards are often forgotten when cleaning. It must be admitted that given their location, it is neither easy nor practical to clean them. You can also quickly have back or knee pain from chasing away dirt, bending over and tirelessly scrubbing. Besides, you just have to neglect this cleaning a little too much to find yourself with two hours to catch up on everything! And since they collect all the dust, it can be tedious to dust, remove and scrub them. In this article, find out how to clean your skirting boards very efficiently and quickly, all without tiring yourself. With the right tools, household products and techniques, they will be impeccable and stay that way!
The trick that removes dust and prevents it from coming back
The big problem with baseboards is that they tend to collect dust. So, when you use a clean cloth to clean them, it can leave pills. However, a simple little trick allows you to remove dust and prevent it from returning to be quiet longer. This method consists of using a fabric softener for the dryer. These wipes have an antistatic effect which prevents dust and dirt from settling. If you don’t have one, you can also use a microfiber cloth soaked in a few drops of fabric softener. Your fabric softener will in fact have the same antistatic properties!

It works on any type of baseboard (wood, rubber, vinyl, etc.) and for several weeks. Repeat the application when the effect wears off.
Using the Right Tools to Clean Baseboards
Use a vacuum cleaner with brush attachment is ideal for cleaning dusty baseboards. (Be careful not to leave black marks on your baseboards when you pass it!) Otherwise, also consider using a broom covered with a soft, lint-free cloth for cleaning. Simply soak the cloth with the chosen cleaning product and attach it to the broom before scrubbing. You can also slip the cleaner into a spray bottle to spray it on the baseboards, then scrub the areas to be polished with the broom. This thus makes it possible to scrub baseboards without having to bend down. The broom trick also works wonderfully for cleaning a bathtub without bending down!
If bending down doesn’t scare you, at least consider putting a towel or yoga mat under your knees to protect them a little from the ground. Here it will also be possible to use a microfiber cloth, but also a sponge brush which is a little more precise.

What products to clean skirting boards?
After removing the dust with a vacuum cleaner or a cloth, you can use several ecological cleaning products to remove encrusted stains and dirt:
–Hot soapy water (Marseille soap, dishwashing liquid or black soap)
-Mixing hot water and white vinegar (which can be added with a few drops of dishwashing detergent)
-Baking soda diluted in hot water
-A magic sponge
-Scouring cream
The most important thing is to do not over-soak your cloth so as not to risk ruining your wallpaper or parquet flooring. Also remember to dry the baseboards well after cleaning.