Is your car covered in a thin blanket of dust? This is not surprising since Sable du Sahara is making its big return to France with an episode which once again promises to leave your vehicle in a bad state. Fortunately, this sand does not contain salt. There is therefore no risk of corrosion due to sirocco. The fact remains that we cannot leave the bodywork in this state. Be careful, however, not to clean your car haphazardly as you risk damaging the windows or scratching the bumper because of this particularly abrasive thin film. To avoid ending up at the body shop, find out how to clean sand dust perfectly.
The mistake to avoid with Sahara sand
If your car has been rained with sand, you should avoid at all costs rubbing the residue, whether with your hand, a broom, a sponge or even a soft cloth (such as a microfiber cloth). In fact, friction on the paint or the glass risks leave micro-scratches quite quickly. Sand is indeed abrasive and can therefore act a bit like sandpaper. As a precaution, prefer not to rub, especially as this risks leaving marks. For a very effective result, only a good rinse counts!

The rinsing stage before any cleaning: an obligation
Whether washing in front of your home or at the car wash, it will be necessary rinse thoroughly with plenty of water before cleaning. This procedure alone should be enough to remove three-quarters of the dust particles, all without scratching the bodywork. This step is also essential for the windshield and rear window. In fact, we may have the reflex to activate the windshield wipers to regain visibility, and therefore safety. However, if you run them without even taking the time to rinse first, you are guaranteed to damage the windows with the grains of sand! So, don’t neglect rinsing.
Once you have rinsed everything, you can move on to classic cleaning. For the windshield, you can finish cleaning with an eco-friendly windshield washer. As for the headlights, you can shine them with toothpaste placed on a lint-free cloth.
How to proceed at the washing station to remove the sand from the Sahara without incident?
Depending on where you live, you will not necessarily be able to clean your car without going to a car wash or cleaning center, as the legislation does not always allow runoff in private homes (the latter can infiltrate into the vehicle). ground) or on public roads. A little tour of the town hall will inform you of these possible prohibitions.

If you go to a car wash, the most important thing to remove is that you will need ban the use of rollers. Although they are suitable for cleaning different types of vehicles, they risk causing micro-scratches in contact with the sand on the bodywork. So opt instead for manual washing so that you can use the high pressure jet.
Note, however, that if you have to make the trip and pay for a wash, it might be better to wait until the sirocco has finished passing before cleaning your car once and for all. If the cloud of sand is still there, you will indeed have made all this effort for nothing! With all these tips, the sandy episode that began on Friday should not leave any marks on your vehicle.