Constantly in our hands or lying around the house, our cell phones quickly turn into breeding grounds for germs. However, even if he follows us on public transport or even to the toilet, let’s admit that we are not always quick to clean our cell phone! In any case, this cleaning is very often neglected by most people. That’s why grandma shares with you these few hygiene tips for your smartphone and other electronic devices without getting scratches.
First of all, is it really necessary to clean your cell phone?

As early as 2011, a British study carried out by the Queen Mary Institute and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine had already established that our smartphones carried Escherichia coli (E.coli). According to them, one in six smartphones carried this bacteria, a sign of fecal contamination. The attraction for this technology is growing exponentially, we suspect that the figures today are much more frightening! And with all the metro aficionados who don’t do not wash their hands after a trip to the little cornerwe can only worry about what ends up on your phone and then on the surfaces that come into contact with it: kitchen counter, dining table, bed… Hence the importance of taking care of the maintenance of your phone. a smartphone!
Of course, for the majority of people, contamination by pathogenic bacteria will not have no serious impact. You may notice pimples on the cheek where you press the phone. Sometimes the less fortunate may have a food poisoning or a coldbecause their hand will have touched their mouth or nose after handling a phone covered in germs. However, not everyone has a good immune system. Also, these bacteria can pose a risk to elderly people, pregnant women, children or immunocompromised patients. They can then cause more serious complications.
So, how can you clean your cell phone?

On a daily basis, a glasses cloth or lint-free microfiber cloth will remove dust, fingerprints and sebum dirt. However, it is better to clean well at least once a week the telephone to limit the proliferation of bacteria. To do this, you don’t need eco-friendly wipes, chemicals or other expensive cleaning products! Turn it off well then use one of these cleaners:
- A damp cloth lightly soaked in a little soapy water (dishwashing liquid) which can also be used to clean a silicone case
- A mixture of equal parts white vinegar (antiseptic and degreaser) and mineralized water on a soft cloth (a clean cloth of course)
- Rubbing alcohol or isopropyl alcohol for very effective disinfection against germs and dirt. Avoid rubbing alcohol which harms the internal components of the phone…
With a cotton swab, brush or swabyou will be able to better reach hard-to-reach corners for cleaning! Rub your mobile for a long time in circular movements for greater effectiveness, however be careful not to scratch the screen. And above all, let the phone dry well before turning it back on. Avoid using a hairdryer here, which could melt the phone’s components and permanently damage your electronic device. A dry cloth will suffice.
Some tips to limit the risk of contamination

In addition to cleaning, there are a number of simple actions to avoid contamination with your mobile. For example, it is possible to favor a hard plastic shell. On the contrary, avoid leather cases to which germs cling easily! In addition, limiting the risk of infection also requires better use of the device. Also, the best thing is to wash hands before each handling or after. In short, regular hand washing is your best weapon. In addition, be careful with its use in the presence of pets or in risky environments (in the office, in transport, public or private toilets, etc.). As soon as a surface is touched by many people, be wary! Finally, last point (and not least), avoid using it at the table or while cooking if it is not clean.
With all these tips on how to clean your phone, it will certainly not become as dirty as a toilet bowl… Enough to make it shine and keep it perfectly clean in all circumstances!
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