Can’t go outside without putting on your favorite jewelry? We understand you, because this little ritual allows you to add a beautiful extra to an outfit. Of course, it is sometimes more because they can remind us of the loved ones who gave them and we hold them dearly for all the love they evoke in us. In any case, we generally do not want to wear accessories that are dirty and tarnished by time. But this is where it gets tricky, because there is no question of cleaning your jewelry inappropriately and risking lasting damage! So, what can you do about the dust, sweat and perfume that attack it? Here’s how to clean and shine your precious or costume metal jewelry, grandmother’s style, without going to the jewelry store.
1) Some basic tips for preserving your jewelry

The first thing to do is to ask the jeweler how to care for your new accessory. Moreover, you will obviously have to be careful if you have to do activities that could damage or dirty them. For example, you can remove them for showering, sports, washing dishes, etc. It’s very stupid to say, but it’s the basis. Also, keep your boxes carefully or plan fabric pouches or silk fabric to store them separately and avoid scratches. Moreover, the little extra thing is the piece of white chalk to slide into the jewelry box to absorb moisture and prevent oxidation. Finally, avoid cleaning in the sink, as the jewelry could fall into the pipes! A bowl of water will work just as well and prevent accidents.
2) Solutions that generally work for cleaning your jewelry

First of all, let’s talk about the products that we all have at home: toothbrush and toothpaste. Often, we recommend toothpaste to clean jewelry, but many fear that it will be too abrasive. Rest assured: it works wonderfully on gold, silver and diamonds. On the other hand, it should be avoided on precious stones and pearls which are too delicate. As for the soft-bristled toothbrush, it allows you to scrub gently in all the nooks and crannies.
Often, jewelry also likes to soak for a few hours in a bowl of beer or a quarter of an hour in a bowl lined with aluminum foil to which we add a little lukewarm water, salt, baking soda and dishwashing detergent. Afterwards we must of course scrub, rinse and why not polish everything with a chamois leather. Bread crumbs or a white eraser are incredible solutions for making jewelry shine and erasing small dirt. Otherwise, stay there cold ash technique to brush on the jewelry before rinsing then rub with a chamois.
3) Clean silver jewelry specifically

Regularly, you can polish silver jewelry with a chamois to avoid the patinated appearance which ages their appearance. For more thorough cleaning, use a paste made from water and baking soda or lemon juice ! In fact, this will remove the dirt that tarnishes silver. Same thing with the blanc de Meudon or white chalk which clean and shine with a thousand lights. Here, we will just soak a cloth with powder before polishing the jewelry. Also, you can offer him a two-hour bath in white vinegar before rinsing well! Furthermore, note that silver jewelry adorned with precious stones can simply be soaked a little in soapy water then rubbed with a damp microfiber cloth. A soft cloth soaked in a few drops of 70° alcohol can also remove difficult stains and give shine.
4) Clean gold jewelry specifically

For gold, a bath with a littlesparkling water and a few drops of dish soap will work wonders. Slide your jewelry in for a moment then brush gently to remove the most stubborn traces. Of course, soapy water can also work, but will be just a little less effective. But it also works on diamond or precious stone rings, preferably using a mild shampoo. And to make it shine, rub with breadcrumbs or a cloth soaked in talcum powder. Glow guaranteed!
5) And for the maintenance of costume jewelry, how do we do it?

They allow you to expand the collection without spending too much and bring a touch of originality. But since the quality is not always there, they can quickly lose their shine. We advise you to cover with a layer of transparent varnish from the moment of acquisition to protect them from the ravages of time. Focus in particular on the parts that come into contact with the skin! In addition, this will avoid possible greenish spots that they sometimes leave on the skin. Furthermore, he will be able to serve as glue if any of the faux pearls or stones come loose from your accessory. Colored varnish can also be used to refresh a piece of jewelry by giving it new colors. If a piece of jewelry has snagsmoisten the damaged part a little and apply gold or silver leaf to it.