On sneakers and Converse, white soles quickly tend to turn gray or yellow. It must be said that white is very dirty and that this part of the shoe is constantly in direct contact with the ground, and therefore dirt. The presence of stubborn stains is therefore not surprising. And unfortunately, these marks tend to resist washing in the washing machine. However, it is entirely possible to restore them to their former glory with a few quick, easy and economical grandmother’s tips. Here’s how to clean and whiten your white soles with effective household products.
Enough to give your favorite shoes a new look without ultra-chemical bleach that ruins the rubber!
1) White vinegar
White vinegar is a very versatile cleaning product and an outstanding stain remover. It works particularly well on mud stains embedded in the sole. Additionally, it is excellent for yellowed soles over time to which it restores all their whiteness. All you need to do here is soak a sponge with this liquid and gently rub the stained areas. Then rinse.
2) Toothpaste for impeccable white soles
Get an old, damp toothbrush and a dab of toothpaste. Then, rub the stained areas using circular motions. All you have to do is rinse and dry with a clean towel or cloth.

3) Bicarbonate (not talc)
The classic paste made from water and baking soda works wonders on difficult stains on white soles or shoes. THE slightly abrasive power This white cleaning and stain removing powder effectively removes dirt. For particularly dirty soles, you can also consider mixing equal parts baking soda and dishwashing liquid (or black soap). Scrub the mixture with a damp toothbrush, leave for a few minutes and rinse.
If you no longer have bicarbonate, know that you can replace it with talcum powder.
4) The clay stone
Clay powder works great on all surfaces in the house, but also for cleaning soles. Simply remove some with a soft cloth or sponge and rub carefully. Finally, rinse with a damp cloth. Your soles will regain all their former whiteness!