Certainly, cats are adorable creatures. However, don’t let yourself be too fooled by their cute little paws and their chewable face… Lurking in the shadows, these little mustachioed beasts have a diabolical plan: to leave traces of urine, the nauseating odor of which is very persistent for some. places (sofas, carpet, etc.). More seriously, this does not affect all cats. However, the most anxious often reassure themselves by marking their territory with their scent. Then add to this those who do not know how to use the litter box or those who have a urinary infection (cystitis, etc.). The result remains the same in all cases: a bad, unpleasant odor. Here’s how to remove cat urine smell.
If the problem recurs, consider consulting the veterinarian to ensure that your cat does not have a urinary problem. He will be able to initiate a treatment or recommend pheromones for stressed cats.
What you need to combat the smell of cat urine:
- Litter
- Take the bicarbonate
- Vacuum cleaner + cloth
The steps:
1) We start by removing the humidity and most of the odor by covering the stain with litter.
2) After about 15 minutes (while the surface is dry), wipe with a damp cloth and vacuum up the litter with the vacuum cleaner.
3) Next, you will need to generously sprinkle the cat pee with baking soda to absorb the last stubborn bad odors. It is a very effective deodorizer and odor destroyer!
4) Then leave to act for a few hours. Dust off the baking soda or vacuum it up.

It’s tempting, but avoid adding a few drops of lemon, eucalyptus or even lavender essential oil to eliminate unpleasant odors. Indeed, aromatherapy is very toxic to cats. So, just make sure your pet doesn’t come into contact with these oils!
Bonus tips against cat urine odor:
Do not use no bleach to clean the area where the cat defecated, this could attract it again. Prefer to use bleach in the litter box. In fact, a few drops will allow disinfect her and encourage her to go. Then preferably use white vinegar (very good repellent with black pepper) to clean the soiled area. Otherwise, sparkling water with dishwashing liquid or lemon juice are other effective cleaning options for urine marking.
Unpleasant odors will be nothing more than a bad memory! In any case, always keep a clean litter box. The cat being a very clean animal, it will quickly pee elsewhere if it is not done regularly enough…