An animal as cute as it is will undoubtedly irritate you a little when you have the misfortune of discovering white hairs that are difficult to remove on your most beautiful black top. You find them everywhere, so much so that you wonder if they don’t take great pleasure in rolling around everywhere as if they were having a competition with the other cats in the neighborhood to see who leaves their fur on the carpet the most, floor, clothing and other coverings. Here are effective solutions against cat hair so you can reconcile with your adorable cat.
Namely: Of course, many of these tips also work for long-haired dogs and all pet hair in general. Dogs and cats are in fact in the same boat. So, if your dog or any pet is losing an excessive amount of hair, these tips will help you in removing hair. Also, certain breeds of pets lose a lot of it, but if this seems abnormal to you, only veterinarians will be able to enlighten you on this phenomenon and rule out parasitic or other diseases requiring treatment (hypothyroidism, dermatitis, alopecia areata, etc.).
1) Cat hair on the floor

Swap the vacuum cleaner for one electrostatic cloth which will attract hairs instead of making them fly or clogging the vacuum cleaner. To remove hairs, you can even add a microfiber cloth to be even more effective.
This can be a first step before vacuuming if you wish. This will remove what remains of its long hairs.
2) Cat hair on the rug or carpet

Sprinkle baking soda to deodorize and relax the carpet pile for better cleaning. Then vacuum using 3 back and forth movements to remove as much of your pet’s hair as possible from the fibers.
If the edges of the mat are darker, lightly moisten a rubber glove and run your finger along the edges to remove the hairs where your kitten leaves the most hair to accumulate.
3) On wooden furniture or windows

Once you’ve taken care of the hair on the floor, you can gain height and move on to furniture. Indeed, felines love to climb and this natural behavior is very important to them. However, this leaves hairs everywhere… On the furniture, wipe a microfiber cloth lightly dampened with water. To be sure of how much to put on, act as if you were going to put perfume on yourself and spray as much water on the cloth as there is perfume on your neck. The cloth attracts the hairs and adding a little water helps keep the hairs stuck.
4) Sofas, fabrics or armchairs covered in cat hair

Get a brush head, mini silicone scraper, nylon pantyhose or a damp rubber glove or a sponge soaked in water. In short, opt for something that will snag the hairs.
If your pet has a favorite spot on the couch, put a soft blanket there just for him. You can remove it when you have guests.
Also remember to clean his cushion regularly, because he loses his hair there even more than elsewhere.
5) Clothes
After washing, we often have the unpleasant surprise of discovering that there are still hairs.

Treat clothes before washing to make the fibers more relaxed by tumble drying for 10 minutes in a no heat cycle. Shake them and put them in the machine as normal. You can add white vinegar to further relax the fibers and therefore make washing and hair extraction easier.

After washing, shake out the clothes before putting them in the dryer. Add anti-static balls to further combat hair (or wipes).
Extra stuff:
Remember to give your cat quality kibble and a balanced diet. Additionally, you can supplement with food supplements such as brewer’s yeast. A poor diet does not help you have a beautiful coat. Also, you can proceed to a long regular brushing to remove as much dead hair as possible. To help you do this without hurting your feline, opt for a good bristled cat brush and spray detangler before detangling and brushing, which allows you to remove the hair without pulling out the hair. In addition, this will limit the formation of swallowed hair balls.
In passing, check between his tufts of short or long hair if he does not have fleas. The latter can in fact cause allergies and hair loss is a common allergic reaction among felines. Observe your kitty carefully to make sure he doesn’t have any itching (or pruritus). What’s more, don’t hesitate to give him a grooming from time to time if the idea of bathing him seems absurd to you. And of course, the veterinarian will be able to enlighten you on a worrying loss, dermatological condition, parasites or severe alopecia at the level of his fur. Finally, if its coat is not chemically treated against parasites, save your cat’s hair to give to birds. They can use them to make their nest.