The glass panes of a fireplace insert or wood stove are often difficult to recover once they are covered with soot deposits. And faced with these blackened surfaces, we are ready to do anything to wipe away the traces of flames left by a wood fire! The goal is not to damage the glass surface and replace dirt with scratches… So, here is how to effortlessly clean the glass of a wood stove or fireplace to enjoy all winter long. the sweet vision of pretty logs engulfed in flames without being bothered by dirt. With the right eco-friendly products, this chore will become child’s play.
Some tips before cleaning windows
-Make a regular maintenance to prevent ash and soot from sticking too much. A ball of papier journal or extra-fine glass wool can be used here to make the fireplace inserts shine. Steel wool or a scraper will be used in the event of heavy contamination of the glazing.
-Burn damp wood to avoid clogging the glass. Also avoid, if possible, too rapid and strong combustion of the chimney fire.
-Clean the wood insert when it is lukewarm, or even slightly hot. This will make the soot easier to clean!
-Finally, protect the floor with newspaper or cardboard to avoid drips on the carpet or parquet floor. Also be careful to do not spray maintenance products touch the joints and metal parts.

A tip to avoid clogging and keep your window spotless for longer
A simple, economical, eco-friendly and very effective tip is to use a translucent or white liquid soap to lightly brush the window. A small amount applied with a paper towel or sponge without rinsing will be more than enough to avoid residue and clogging. Do this before lighting so that the wood can burn without ever staining or getting dirty. You will only have to wipe the glass door once the combustion is finished. Nickel!
Here are some tips for cleaning the insert glass of a stove or fireplace
1) Use cold wood ashes to clean the insert glass or fireplace
This is the smartest technique since it consists of cleaning the grime with what you have on hand! It’s just the right amount of abrasive and the degreasing and cleaning effect of their components makes the difference. Simply use the cold ashes on a damp, lint-free cloth (like microfiber cloth) or newspaper to scrub the dirty window without scratching it.
And above all, remember to keep some ashes to recover your burnt pan.

2) White vinegar to the rescue
White vinegar alone is very effective in melting soot. It can therefore be used to clean dirt on the blackened glass of the stove or fireplace. If, however, the dirt is very dirty, do not hesitate to add a handful of fine salt for an effective effect. powerful cleaner and stripper.
3) Stone clay or black soap
Clay stone and black soap are two products very versatile who do not no compromise with grime on all surfaces. Simply soak a sponge in it to wash the window before rinsing carefully. This is excellent for performing regular cleaning and preventing clogging that occurs over time.
4) Soda crystals
Soda crystals are a powerful degreaser and a very versatile cleaner. Diluted in very hot water, soda crystals are capable of working wonders, starting with cleaning a very dirty stove or fireplace glass. For an impeccable result, count one cup of crystals for one bowl of very hot water. And above all, remember to put on gloves before handling the mixture!

5) Household alcohol in the spotlight
This cleaning product is excellent for heavily soiled glass surfaces. We can then decide to combine it with white vinegar or lemon juice in a spray spray. Otherwise, there remains the option of window cleaner based on water, household alcohol and Meudon white in equal parts. All you have to do is rub in circular motions with a sheet of newspaper rolled into a ball. Cleanliness guaranteed!
6) The product to clean the oven
Of course, we’re moving away from grandmother’s natural products here! If, however, you do not mind using chemicals, the product to clean the oven can be a choice option to carry out very effective cleaning of the dirty window and restore its shine. All you have to do here is spray it on the window and use the squeegee to clean the windows, then wipe with a clean, dry cloth. Finally, rinse and dry well.
Mistakes to avoid when cleaning stove or fireplace glass

Use abrasive products
This can damage the glass and make it harder to clean in the future. It is best to use specific products for cleaning fireplace and stove glass or mild household products such as soapy water.
Use rough materials to scrub
This can scratch the glass and also make it more difficult to clean. It is best to use soft cloths (like microfiber cloth) or sponges to scrub the glass.
Neglecting to check the condition of the joints
The window seals should be checked regularly to ensure that they are not not damaged or degraded. If so, they should be replaced to prevent air leaks and fires.
Clean the glass while the chimney is still hot
You must wait until the window has cooled down a little before cleaning it. Otherwise you can burn yourself or damage the glass. Work on a slightly warm or warm window. This way, the soot will be softened, but you will not risk damaging the glass surface.
Neglecting to protect surrounding surfaces
It is important to protect surrounding surfaces of the fireplace such as the floor or furniture, when using cleaning products to avoid staining or damage. The journal is ideal for this!
With all these tips in mind, you will be well equipped to clean the fireplace or stove glass effectively and sustainably.