Doing sport allows you to give your all and let off steam. Unfortunately, all this intense effort usually results in a body that sweats like an ox. And it feels good! However, it’s hard to escape sweat-soaked clothes with all that… What’s more, the sometimes nauseating odors that accompany it aren’t fun either. As a result, sports clothing requires special care and can sometimes still smell bad after washing. Here’s how to easily eliminate sweat odors and clean sports gear so they’re clean again.
1) Take good care of your sports bag

Once back, you can’t wait to take off your bag and get some rest. Only here, your confined sports items will macerate in the bag (sometimes until the next session… yuck!). So, always take the time to open the bag and empty it. Simply airing it out and letting it dry will help remove most moldy sweat odors. And then we move on to washing the sports gear, all without putting them in the dryer which will damage their fibers. Besides, the bag can also be put in the machine from time to time…
The extra thing: Consider putting silica packets (moisture absorbent), dryer softener sheets (deodorizers), or tea bags in the bag. This will keep the bag smelling fresh.
2) Other important sports items: sneakers!

In the feet, there are 600 sweat glands/cm2… a record for the human body! In fact, it is normal that they have tendency to sweat a lot and smell bad. However, this leaves an unpleasant odor in the shoes. The first instinct is to slip newspaper into the shoe to absorb moisture causing unpleasant odors. Then, you have the choice of weapons to stop odors: tea bags, baking soda, litter, citrus peels, etc. And of course, put them in the washing machine in a net with a suitable program from time to time.
3) If odors and humidity are minimal

Did you take it easy on training today? So your sports gear isn’t too damp and smelly? In this case, put them in the dirty laundry basket and sprinkle with baking soda to absorb odors. This also works very well to avoid odors in this basket while you are making a machine in general. Otherwise, put everything in the washing machine straight away, adding a tablespoon of bicarbonate to the detergent itself. This will make it even more effective! Indeed, the slightly basic pH of 8 to 8.5 of bicarbonate neutralizes the acidity that causes odors.
4) For dirtier or stronger-smelling gym gear, step up a gear

In the event of “force majeure”, head for the white vinegar which will kill bacteria and therefore the smells with them! To do this, prepare a bath for clothes with 1 part vinegar to 4 parts water. After soaking them for 30 minutes, put everything in the machine. Unfortunately, you will not be able to Do not use this tip if your laundry contains javeL. Indeed, the mixture of vinegar and bleach is very toxic. If so, replace it with lemon juice or baking soda. If, on the other hand, the detergent does not contain it, you can add a cup directly into the machine for total eradication! Finally, note that cotton sportswear is wash at very high temperature. For specialty fabrics, look at the label, but they often prefer warmer water.
5) Unusual techniques for removing odors from sports equipment

Extreme temperatures are a horror to bacteria (and therefore odors). So, you can put your sports clothes and accessories in a freezer bag, head to the freezer. After a few hours, the odors will be gone. It is the same thing with the rays of the sun which have a natural antibacterial effect ! It can therefore be used to quickly dry sports clothes while treating odors. That said, be careful with dark clothing which could bleed with this method.
How to prevent odors on your sports gear?

Knowing how to eliminate unpleasant odors is obviously a big plus. However, it is also possible to prevent their appearance thanks to a few useful reflexes:
First of all, hydrate well. Drinking enough water during exercise helps regulate body temperature and reduce excessive sweating, which can help prevent unpleasant odors. Additionally, take a shower immediately after your workout to remove sweat and bacteria from your skin, reducing the potential for odor to develop. Also limit the use of body deodorants or scented sprays directly on your sports clothing, as this can lead to unpleasant interactions with natural odors.
What’s more, opt for equipment made from technical fabrics and other breathable textilessuch as quick-drying polyester, nylon, or fabric blends specifically designed to wick away moisture. These materials help maintain a better air circulationwhich thus reduces the formation of unpleasant odors. There are also antibacterial clothingtreated with antimicrobial agents to inhibit the growth of odor-causing bacteria. This property allows for increased prevention. Additionally, choose sports underwear designed to wick away moisture and prevent bacteria from multiplying. Avoid unspecialized cotton or synthetic underwear that tends to retain moisture.
There are also some precautions to take with your sneakers, including using suitable soles. For sports shoes, consideradd absorbent or antibacterial insoles. They can help absorb moisture and prevent odors from forming. Moreover, alternate between several pairs. Having several sets of clothing and sports shoes allows you to rotate them. This leaves time for each pair of dry completely between each use.
Finally, let’s remember the right actions for all your equipment and outfits. As soon as possible, after use, remove your sports clothes and let them air dry. Don’t leave them in your damp gym bag, as humidity encourages the growth of odor-causing bacteria. And most importantly, don’t let your dirty gym clothes pile up. Wash them after every workout to remove dirt, sweat and bacteria. Follow the washing instructions on the label here to preserve the quality of the fabrics. To finish, store your belongings correctly. When not in use, be sure to store your sports gear in a dry, well-ventilated area. Avoid leaving them in a closed bag or a closet full of belongings for long periods of time.