Stains of fresh or dried blood are the terror of the eternally clumsy. However, they often happen by accident (nosebleeds, overflowing periods, accident while peeling vegetables, etc.). It is therefore difficult to avoid them. On the other hand, it is not impossible to remove them! So, if you’re wondering how to remove a blood stain, you’ve come to the right place to find the answer. We also have many natural solutions or grandmother’s tips based on products that you probably already have on hand.
Note, however, that acting quickly remains the best way to be effective on this type of stain. As long as the blood is not fixed, it remains easy to treat. Also remember to rub the stain inwards and not outwards. This way, you don’t risk spreading the stain and having a big halo. After using one of these solutions, put your garment in the washing machine.
1) To remove a blood stain, ALWAYS use cold water

Hot water is often used to remove a stain. However, in the case of blood stains, this will cook them and therefore set them. In short, it’s the best way to make the stain indelible… If possible, act quickly by rinsing the garment thoroughly in cold water or by rubbing an ice cube on it. If necessary, emulsify a little soap on the stain (Marseille soap, ox gall soap or dishwashing liquid) and leave to soak for 3 to 4 hours in a basin of cold water. If it is a stubborn stain or on an object that cannot be washed in the washing machine (mattress, carpet, etc.), try combining cold water with salt. This will actually dehydrate the stain. Do a first rinse with cold water and rub a water/salt paste on the stain before rinsing.
2) Saliva, the SOS tip for removing a blood stain
With this tip, no need to have any stain remover or cleaning product! Indeed, it’s quite stupid, but saliva contains enzymes for the digestion of food. These enzymes will make it possible to break down blood proteins that cause stubborn stains. Note, however, that rubbing a blood stain with saliva will only work for small stains. For a mattress or jeans soiled by a major injury, it is therefore to be forgotten…
3) White vinegar

Impossible not to mention this all-terrain stain remover in an article against stains! Simply pour it neat onto the stain and leave it to act for about 10 minutes. Then, dab with a clean cloth and repeat if necessary before washing. You can do the same with lemon juice if you have it.
4) Hydrogen peroxide (or 3% hydrogen peroxide)
This product can bleach, discolor or damage certain fabrics. If you are not treating a white fabric, consider testing this solution on an inconspicuous corner, pure or diluted in 50% water for delicate fabrics. Apply this product directly to the stain, avoiding getting it around. Dab the foam with a clean cloth and repeat if necessary until the stain disappears. Then finish by rinsing. You can remove a blood stain with other products from bathroom drawers. This includes 70° alcohol as well as the physiological serum that you use to clean baby’s nose. You can also dilute a aspirin tablet in water. Apply one of these solutions to a cloth, scrub, rinse and repeat as necessary.
Find out on the next page how to use flour, coke… against a blood stain →