During a manicure or pedicure, an accident can happen very quickly, especially if you are in a hurry or lack skill. All it takes is one drop too many on the brush, and your pants or the tiles are ruined! At least, that’s what we find ourselves thinking at the moment! Indeed, if you do not yet know how to clean this type of stain and how to remove the slightest varnish stain, solutions exist. In this article, Grand-Mère gives you her simple and wise advice for successful step-by-step cleaning of a nail polish stain on clothing, on wooden furniture, on the floor, etc. Stubborn varnish splash stains will quickly be forgotten!
To know first of all…
Before using any product, you must use an old cloth or paper towel to absorb as much varnish as possible. This will limit the size of the stain and the difficulty of cleaning. On a floor, whether laminated, linoleum, parquet or tiled, you can use white sugar to sprinkle on the stain to absorb it. During treatment, also prefer always dab the stain instead of rubbing it to avoid spreading it too much. The smaller it is, the easier it will be to make it disappear.

How to remove a varnish stain from clothing, carpet or fabric?
Ammonia and Sommières earth against a varnish stain
Ammonia is not the most natural and gentle product. It is therefore used carefullyin a ventilated room or by protecting the hands and nose with gloves and a scarf or mask respectively. Dilute this cleaning product then dab it on the stained area. Then, sprinkle with Sommières soil and leave to act before brushing with a soft brush. This will absorb the rest of the stain.
The stain doesn’t come off with this tip? Get out the iron!
Do you resist dirt? Heat your iron to a medium temperature. Then, apply a clean cloth to the dirt and activate the steam above the cloth (about 5 cm). This will loosen the rest of the stain which will settle on the paper towel.
Acetone, a classic against varnish stains
Acetone is the product most often used to remove varnish stains. It is also possible to use it on most textile fibers (cotton, silk, wool fabrics, etc.). However, it is to avoid on clothes containing acetate. This could actually burn them! So, take a look at the label before proceeding. How to do it? Apply paper towel to the stain, then dab the area to be treated with a cotton ball. This will help soften the trace of varnish which will then be transferred to the absorbent paper. Repeat several times if necessary before putting it in the washing machine.

How to treat a varnish stain on different surfaces in the house?
Against a varnish stain on wood
When you put your varnish on a table or touch a piece of furniture or the wooden floor while the varnish is not yet dry, stains can quickly occur. On raw woodyou can simply gently rub the dry stain with a piece of sandpaper. However, this will not be suitable on waxed wood on which it will leave traces. In this case, you should instead use a cloth soaked in 70° alcohol. Following this, use a product for maintaining waxed wood. This will restore its shine. Finally, in the case of painted woodinstead use a cloth covered in acetone.
If the mark is on plastic or glass
Whether the stain is fresh or dry, you can use a cloth soaked in acetone.
In case of nail polish stain on the floor
Here, the cleaning technique will depend on the type of floor. On the tiles or terracottait will be better to let the stain dry before applying White Spirit. As to sisal or carpetwe will instead use acetone rubbed copiously on the surface to be treated. Then use a small damp sponge to rinse and let dry. Finally, in the case of cement, sprinkle a generous dose of talcum powder or Sommières powder and leave to act for 4 to 5 hours before vacuuming or brushing. If that’s not enough, use hydrochloric acid.
What about the stains on the sink enamel?
Here, use a cloth soaked in amyl acetate, a detergent similar to White Spirit.