Your party or dinner went wrong and now you’re wondering how to clean a red wine stain from clothing or a tablecloth? It is true that like the blood stain, it can be a nightmare to remove. You must therefore apply the right stain remover and follow the right steps to avoid ending up with an unsightly halo or permanently damaging the carpet. Find out how to remove these stubborn stains very effectively on a fresh stain or even after an unsuccessful first machine wash.
1) Sommières soil against a fresh wine stain
The land of Sommières has absorbent properties. Also, you can use it on a still fresh stain or apply it to cloth that is still damp after washing. Just sprinkle a good amount to get rid of the stain. Leave it to act for about an hour on your textiles then wash in the washing machine. You can also do this trick with flour. However, the absorption will not be as strong.

2) Test the stain removers you have at home
If the fabric is okay, you can try a mixture of water and bleach. However, options more healthy and natural will serve as excellent stain removers. This is the case for 70 or 90° alcohol, household alcohol, soapy water (dishwashing liquid, beef gall soap, black soap or Marseille soap, perfect for delicate fabrics), lemon juice or soda crystals. To do this, rinse the stained area with water and then apply a few drops of the chosen detergent. Rub gently and repeat if necessary. You can also add a little baking soda if you have any to improve the power of stain removal or use white vinegar diluted in water with a few drops of glycerin. This last mixture is also very effective on coffee stains!
3) Milk as for ink stains
Milk is a well-known grandmother’s trick for removing an ink stain. However, hot or cold milk beforehand can also remove wine stains. To do this, let the stain soak in warm milk for a few hours. Then rinse with water and wash in the washing machine.

4) Unusual techniques to counter red wine stains
According to some, the best technique for removing a red wine stain is… touse white wine using a cloth soaked in this liquid. If you have an open bottle, this is a great way to remove spilled red wine. You can do the same with vodka leave to act for a few minutes. Otherwise, head to the bathroom to catch the shaving cream (and not the gel which will not work). Simply apply it directly to the stain and rub to soak it in. Then, leave it to act for 15 minutes before machine washing.
5) Never do it on a wine stain
Always start by absorbing as much liquid as possible with absorbent paper. Moreover, it is better to dab instead of rubbing so as not to spread the stain. And above all, do not use never hot water on it at the risk of fixing the stain. Yes! It works like bloodstains. Here, the tannins from the wine risk becoming embedded in the fabric. Therefore, always use cold water when cleaning with clean water. And also try to do a cold machine wash if possible, again to avoid this problem. As long as the stain is still there, ban the use of a tumble dryer or hair dryer. In addition, avoid salt which also has the effect of fixing the colors of fabrics.