
How to remove grass stains from different fabrics?

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Spring has arrived, the grass is very green but tends to be very staining. A picnic with friends, children playing on the fresh lawn, and this can quickly turn into a tragedy: stains which prove stubborn and which are difficult to remove if you do not intervene immediately. So here are some natural tips to remedy grass stains on different fabrics.

Depending on the fabric, stains absorb differently. It is therefore necessary to use different means depending on the fabric to treat stubborn grass stains:

  • On jeans : opt for Marseille soap. mix with water and rub well on your jeans.
  • On white cotton or linen : you must rub the stain with a cloth soaked in lemon juice.
  • On printed cotton or linen : use methylated spirits or diluted ammonia. Rub well with a cloth.
  • On silk, satin, velvet or wool: use a cloth dampened with diluted ammonia or rubbing alcohol and rub the stain well. Then wash with lukewarm water.
  • On leather : rub your grass stain with a toothbrush soaked in milk or rubbing alcohol.

It is also important to clarify that toothpaste is extremely effective against grass stains. It works wonderfully on all types of fabrics except leather and silk. To use it is very simple: using a toothbrush, rub the grass stain with toothpaste and wash immediately before the toothpaste dries. Once the stain is gone, rinse and wash your garment as usual.

Source: Tips guide

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