The daily struggle to keep laundry clean can sometimes be very complicated by stubborn stains such as blood, ink or even red wine stains. And when we approach summer with relish, drooling over all the pretty red fruits that this season brings, disasters are never far away. There is indeed no treat like the sweetness of a redcurrant or raspberry jam, a strawberry tart, a cherry clafoutis or a nice handful of blueberries to pick at. However, the mood changes when the time comes to remove laundry stained with red fruit stains! So, find out how to clean it all with a few grandmother’s tips so that red dirt no longer spoils your fruity tastings.
And above all, never put clothes in the washing machine without first removing stains. You actually risk… fixing them forever on your favorite t-shirt! So, wait a little before going through the washing machine.
1) Act quickly: THE solution against red fruit stains

The sooner you do it, the easier it will be for you to recover a cloth soaked in rouge in good condition. This will reduce the risk of halos. Of course, there are the classics here like Marseille soap, dishwashing liquid or even baking soda. However, some solutions are even more powerful. For example, the lemon is very popularbecause it is very effective against this type of stain (except for wool!). Simply rub the stain with a little lemon juice and rinse with cold water. Then let it dry in the sun for an hour before putting it in the washing machine. You can also dab the traces with white vinegar (excellent on suede) or rub them with white toothpaste.
2) Milk, a good option, especially for white wine
Here you can act as against ink stains by soaking the stained clothing in a basin of milk. Leave it on overnight before putting your clothes in the washing machine. The fact of immersing white cotton in hot milk will help loosen it, all without bleach!

3) What about colored linen?
You can use a cloth soaked in70° alcohol or hydrogen peroxide at 20 volumes after ensuring that there is no risk of discoloration. Afterwards, machine wash the garment as usual.
4) How to remove red fruit stains from synthetics
Dabbing lemon juice or vinegar will generally be enough to remove stains from a synthetic fabric before washing it in the washing machine. You can also consider using soapy water or a cloth soaked in alcohol diluted in water.

5) What about red fruit stains on wool or silk?
For woolwash in cold water with dishwashing liquid or a soap of your choice (beef gall soap, black soap or Marseille soap). If this is not enough, use extreme measures with a few drops of ammonia diluted in lukewarm water. As for silkuse absorbent paper to remove excess juice from your shirt. Next, mix equal parts water and rubbing alcohol and dab this on the stained area before washing. And for a stubborn stain, use a cloth soaked in 90° alcohol directly.
6) And finally, how to remove leather?
Looking for the right stain remover for a stained sofa, sneakers or jacket? Once you have removed the excess juice with paper towel, dab the red fruit stain with a equal mixture of water and rubbing alcohol. You can also use makeup remover milk to which you can optionally add two drops of household alcohol. Then, gently rub this mixture onto the stain and leave it to act for a few minutes. Finally, wipe with a clean cloth.