Metallic materials can sometimes oxidize over time. This oxidation ends up eating away at them and leaving traces of rust. Before seeing how to remove a rust stain, we will give you some tips to prevent them. So, no need to detach them and no risk of letting your items get damaged over time! Also discover all of grandma’s good tips for removing stubborn rust stains well established on tiles, stainless steel surfaces (faucet, cutlery, kettle, etc.), the bathtub or metal objects. A rust stain is in fact not irreversible. To save the alloy of your shelf or garden furniture from corrosion, follow the guide!
How to prevent rust stains in your home

-Logically, you must first of all avoid humidity as much as possible to prevent your belongings from rusting. This can involve a tarpaulin or a shelter for metal garden furniture. In cupboards where you store metal objects or the toolbox, you can also slip in a handful of rice, gum arabic or chalk.
-You can additionally oil your pans, pots and other utensils after washing and drying to apply a protective layer. This can also be suitable for DIY tools. To prevent wear and tear on the pipes, you can instead use vaseline.
-For outdoor furniture (furniture, bench, etc.), fences, gates and other outdoor metal objects that cannot be sheltered, it is possible to apply marine varnish or anti-rust paint. This limits wear linked to humidity and therefore rust stains.
How to remove rust stains effectively?

1) Rub, rub, rub!
Rubbing and scratching is a good way to remove a rust stainbut be careful not to go too hard so as not to damage your object. The goal is not to replace rust with scratches when removing stains! So, gently scrub small stains with a brass brush, an abrasive sponge, steel wool, rusty aluminum foil in a ball (shiny part outwards), fine-grained sandpaper or a toothbrush. .
2) The combination of lemon and salt
Here you can use lime or yellow lemon juice and fine table salt or coarse salt for a very effective stain remover effect. To do this, start by pouring juice onto the stained area. Then we sprinkle salt and let the chemical reaction take place. This is what will allow “break” oxidation stains. Then scrub. If you see that the rust is resisting, leave your lemon juice-salt mixture for a few hours before scrubbing.
Good to know: Also in the food aisle, a halved potato or onion can both remove rust stains. For greater effectiveness, you can sprinkle baking soda on the potato before scrubbing.

3) White vinegar against rust stains
It is generally one of the best household products for cleaning and maintaining objects that can scratch. You must then make sure to dry them well after use. However, you can also use white vinegar to treat installed rust thanks to its acidity. Ideally, it is better to heat it for greater efficiency. Then, pour it into the kettle or teapot to be treated or into a basin to soak the rusty object. (You can do the same with soda such as Cola!) If the rust stains are very encrusted, do not hesitate to add coarse salt to it. Pour the mixture onto the stain and let the chemical reaction take place before scrubbing. Then rinse and dry thoroughly.
4) Soda crystals
These crystals are excellent household products and can be used very powerful against encrusted rust stains. To do this, simply sprinkle it on a damp sponge after putting on gloves. Then rub the stain vigorously to remove the rusty residue. Finally, rinse and dry.

5) Le bicarbonate
Sodium bicarbonate, like its counterpart vinegar, can help remove a rust stain. On the other hand, where vinegar shines with its acidity, bicarbonate acts thanks to a very gentle and effective abrasive effect. Generally, it is mixed with water to make a thick paste. Then, apply the mixture directly to the rust and leave to act for 15 minutes before scrubbing with a suitable brush. All that’s left to do is dry well. It can also be combined with white vinegar to mechanically remove the rust stain thanks to the effervescent chemical reaction. Leave the object to derust for a quarter of an hour before scrubbing and rinsing. This will work well on small, lightly encrusted rust spots. For difficult stains, use lemon or vinegar and salt mixture or soda crystals instead.
What if the rust stains are on clothing?
To remove a rust stain from clothing, there are many tips. Here’s one you can try! Start by dabbing the area with paper towels to remove excess rust. Then place the stain directly over a basin and pour lemon juice or white vinegar on the stain. Gently rub the area with a toothbrush or sponge soaked in the chosen product to remove stains. Leave on for 5 to 10 minutes. Then wash the garment according to the care instructions. If the stain persists, repeat the process.
Otherwise, it is possible tocombine salt and lemon. To do this, squeeze fresh lemon juice onto the rust stain, then sprinkle the area with a small amount of salt. Then, gently scrub the stain with a toothbrush, old nail brush, or sponge. Let it sit for about 15 to 30 minutes. You can also expose the garment to the sun Meanwhile, because the combination of lemon, salt and sunlight can help enhance the natural whitening effect. However, be sure to check the color fastness of the fabric before undertaking these steps.