Do you notice shiny, white marks on your clothes? Very often, these shiny patches result from ironing, especially on dark-colored clothes. Enough to get rid of the desire to take out the ironing board and steam iron, and make you want to quickly send everything to the dry cleaners! After all, this chore is already difficult enough as it is… However, unfortunately, it also happens that this type of stain appears due to wear on pants or at the folds and elbows of shirts and sweaters. To keep an impeccable wardrobe, there are nevertheless easy tips for removing a shiny plaque from clothing or fabric. To protect your textiles from stains, grandmother also gives you techniques to prevent clothes from becoming shiny due to the iron.
How to prevent clothes from getting shiny when ironing?

Knowing how to iron your clothes to avoid shiny white stripes is still the best way to save time and quickly be able to put your ironing board away! To facilitate ironing without white stains, we advise you above all to:
-Follow the instructions on the label carefully, as an adjustment too hot on the thermostat of the steam generator or iron will cause marks and damage fabrics;
-Preferably iron the laundry upside downespecially pants;
-In the water tank, put demineralized water and not hard tap water;
-Use a pattemouille*.
* Patmouille is a technique which consists of placing ironed linen on the ironing board, then covering it with a fine damp cotton fabric (old sheet, tablecloth, clean cloth, handkerchief, etc.). Thus inserted between the ironed clothes and the iron, the pattemouille will allow very efficient and rapid ironing while protecting the linen. It is ideal for dark or delicate fabrics that tend to shine and shine quickly.
How to delustre a garment? Everything to fight against shiny plaques!

To ensure the care of shiny linen, you just need to know the right products and the right actions.
1) The use of steam
In addition to maintaining shiny linen, steam also removes wrinkles. All you need to do is boil water in the bottom compartment of a steam cooker and place the item of clothing on top. There water vapor as well as humidity will help to reduce the white mark by impregnating the fabric. (Be careful not to burn yourself when handling your clothes!)
2) White vinegar for shiny wear and ironing plates
White vinegar is the only product that will treat both ironing marks and wear. To remove the shine from clothing, rub it vigorously with a cloth soaked in vinegar. Then leave it on and rinse.
3) The solution of alum
To prepare an alum solution, boil 10 g of alum stone in a liter of water or use liquid alum (5 drops per liter). You can then use this alum solution to brush the stains with a brush. This will make the shiny spots disappear.
4) Suede gum
Suede eraser is normally used to clean suede shoes and accessories. However, it can also be used to erase ironing stains caused by polishing. This is particularly effective on fabrics like velvet.
5) Ammonia
Soak a cloth or brush with ammonia diluted in water (5 drops of ammonia in 500 ml of water). For optimal results, it is advisable to always follow the direction of the fabric threads with his brush as soon as possible.
6) Sandpaper
Be careful, sandpaper is only intended for the least fragile lustrous fabrics. This makes it more suitable for thick materials such as jeans or cotton twill. To remove white marks, rub the stained area with very fine grit sandpaper (3000 grit). Above all, apply light friction so as not to cause damage.