Sweat is a natural phenomenon that affects us all. On the other hand, some people will be more likely to suffer from bad odors or excessive sweating. And to these inconveniences are added the sweat stains on clothes which can occur at any time, even with the best deodorant. Enough to give you… a cold sweat! Fortunately, it can be overcome very easily. Find out how to clean sweat stains without ammonia or household chemicals, but also how to avoid them in the future.
1) Take Steps to Avoid Sweat Stains

Yellow marks under the arms occur when salt in sweat mixes with the aluminum in deodorant or when sweat interacts with bacteria and fungi that proliferate on the skin. In addition to carefully choosing your deodorant or antiperspirant sans aluminium (or for example by opting for alum stone), we can take some measures which will limit the arrival of traces. This involves applying your deodorant without excess andwait until it is dry before getting dressed. We can also favor loose clothing, which helps to limit friction. Finally, remember to wash clothes immediately after use.
2) Act quickly when a stain appears

With sweat marks, the problem is the same as with most stains (blood stains, ink stains, etc.): if we give them time to dry, they become more difficult or even impossible to remove. Also, whether you are at a restaurant or at work when you notice the stains, do not hesitate to take a trip to the toilet to rinse them carefully with lukewarm water. If you are at home, you can directly use white vinegar (or lemon juice for delicate fabrics) to blot the stain in question.
3) Opt for natural stain removers that are effective against sweat stains

Several natural cleaning products can provide their stain removal power here. Cleaner and deodorizer also, white vinegar is a great example. On delicate fabrics, however, we prefer lemon juice. To remove stains and the bacteria they contain, 70° alcohol is a good choice. Otherwise, head for hydrogen peroxide which should however be reserved for white fabrics and other light colors to avoid the risk of discoloration. For all these products, the process is the same: dab the stain with a clean cloth soaked in the solution, rinse and emulsify with a little soap before rinsing again and washing in the washing machine.
You can also soak your clothes for several hours stained in a basin of hot water with baking soda, soda crystals (even more powerful than baking soda) or a mixture of equal parts lemon juice and vinegar. This will work great for cleaning multiple clothes at once or removing stubborn stains.
4) An unstoppable association when nothing works on spots

To combat sweat stains or any type of stain, you can combine sodium bicarbonate and hydrogen peroxide to make a soft paste to which you add a few drops of dishwashing detergent. Then apply this product to the stains and scrub with a toothbrush for a minute. Leave it on for about two hours and put the garment in the washing machine.
5) The bicarbonate-lemon combination to eliminate stubborn sweat stains

We have already mentioned this very effective recipe for removing difficult sweat stains, especially in the case of yellow stains. This tip consists of diluting a little lemon juice with water before adding salt and baking soda. Spread everything on the stain and use a soft-bristled toothbrush to gently rub the product and dissolve the unsightly mark. Then let it sit and dry. Rinse this mixture with lukewarm water and wash the garment as usual.