Tea and coffee are two very popular drinks, and therefore happily sipped throughout the day. However, these beverages tend to leave marks on cups and bowls. And unfortunately, hot water and dishwashing detergent are not always enough to successfully clean them! This is why you should not wait too long before carrying out this task. If it’s too late and your favorite cup is covered in stubborn coffee or tea stains, here’s how to clean it with eco-friendly household products and effective grandmother’s tips. The porcelain will regain all its shine, all without chemicals (bleach or others).
1) Toothpaste against tea or coffee stains from a cup
Toothpaste, especially if it comes as a simple white paste, helps remove a cup soiled by coffee or tea. This is the ideal solution, because we all have a jar or a tube of it at home! How to do it? You can absolutely scrub the stains with an old toothbrush recycled into a household tool. Apply a little paste and scrub with a damp brush or sponge. If the stains are difficult to remove, you can sprinkle a little baking soda on the toothpaste to give it a more abrasive side while remaining intact with the enamel of the cup. When the stains are gone, you can rinse and dry the cup.

2) Lemon juice to get rid of marks
Lemon is a cleansing citrus fruit whitening and stain removal power. It is therefore perfectly suited to carry out this task! In addition, it will also help disinfect, descale and deodorize the cup. Here you can use it alone or in combination with sodium bicarbonate for stubborn stains. To use, cut it in half and squeeze one half directly into the cup. Leave it on for a few minutes, then use this squeezed half to scrub the sides of the cup, almost like a sponge. All you have to do is clean the cup with soapy water and rinse well. This will immediately restore its shine and cleanliness!
3) White vinegar, also effective for tea and coffee stains on a cup
If you don’t have a lemon, you can. replace with white vinegar. This multi-purpose cleaner can to be heated in a saucepan or in the microwave before pouring it into said cup for even more efficiency. Leave it to act for a few minutes to a few hours depending on how dirty the cup is. You can then scrub, then rinse well.

4) Clay stone, also effective
Very effective in many situations, clay stone is an eco-friendly product that is anti-limescale and allows you to polish gently many surfaces without scratching them. These are particularly valuable qualities for the cleaning that concerns us here. Take a little material with a sponge and rub the stain gently until the stains completely disappear. Finally, rinse with clean water. Your cup will be like new!