To hear some of them, one could almost believe that bleach is a sacrosanct institution in itself! No matter how much you explain to them the harmfulness of this product for the environment and health with studies to support your words, nothing works. As a result, many people use it regularly (most often incorrectly, believing that it cleans when it actually cleans nothing!). This article is therefore not here to tell you that bleach is evil incarnate, because you already know that and there is no point in harping on it. Rather, we will explain to you that you can have the same effects as bleach with much more economical and non-harmful alternatives. With these ecological and biodegradable cleaning products, you will no longer have excuses to keep your poison can!
1) Le bicarbonate

It is the worst enemy of grease and dirt thanks to its somewhat alkaline composition. In addition to its cleaning powerwe also recognize beautiful abrasive, sanitizing, anti-limescale and anti-odor qualities. For laundry, it is possible to rely on him for soften and remove stains.
- You can add 120 g of it to the drum before starting the wash to benefit from its softening effect. Plus, it preserves colors and white!
- A basin of lukewarm water with bicarbonate will also be very beneficial on very dirty or tarnished white laundry.
- Add two tablespoons to the laundry detergent for stained clothes or soak them in a basin of water with baking soda.
- To deodorize (fridge, bottom of the trash can, drawer, etc.), opt for a saucer of bicarbonate (why not with a few drops of essential oil) or cleaning with a sponge and bicarbonate water.
- Mix it with water to make a scouring cream (cooking plates, etc.).
Knowing that bleach can yellow the laundry, you can also use percarbonate of soda or soda crystals. These are other great alternatives to replace bleach. 1 to 2 tablespoons in a basin of water or in the machine will be enough for whitening effect.
2) White vinegar

To put bleach aside, there’s really nothing better than this concentrate of acetic acid and water! He has everything going for him: he removes limescale and bad odors, whitens, cleans and disinfects. In addition, it works on all surfaces.
- Use it to clean the trash thoroughly. Its strong smell will disappear as quickly as those in the trash!
- Pour some into the toilet regularly and leave to keep them spotless. You can even heat it up a little beforehand for dirtier toilets.
- Mix it with a few drops of tea tree essential oil to scrub the joints with a toothbrush and kill mold.
- 250 ml of vinegar in a pan of water to boil slightly then cool before soaking the clothes overnight will make them brighter if they are grayish or yellowed and will loosen them.
To disinfect, you can also clean with black soap or real Marseille soap. These products are excellent antiseptics.
3) Oxygenated water

Like water, it is colorless and is also called “water” like its cousin, but these are the only points of comparison between these two elements. Hydrogen peroxide is your best ally for whitening surfaces. For use on textiles, it is better to test beforehand!
- After cleaning with soapy water, spray it on the wooden cutting board and leave for 10 minutes before rinsing to disinfect it.
- Pour it down the toilet to disinfect it. 20 to 30 minutes and scrubbing with a brush is enough.
- Pour 250 ml into the detergent drawer to benefit from its whitening effects.
- With one dose of dishwashing detergent and two of this special water, you will obtain an excellent anti-yellow stain under the armpits to leave on for an hour before rinsing with cold water. For blood, let it act pure for 5 minutes, dab, rinse and start again if necessary.
- Disinfect the kitchen without risk of toxicity by spraying it on surfaces. Leave on for 2 minutes and wipe off. This will also work in the dishwasher.
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