Here, we will be more in the “tips” side rather than the “grandmother” side (even if today’s grandmothers sometimes have nothing to envy young people at this level and are familiar with these technologies that invade our daily lives). The idea here will be to start making a cleaning paste for the keyboard and remote control. These objects are indeed certainly perfect places for all the little dirt and crumbs to make a cozy nest [surtout si vous avez toujours votre paquet de chips ou vos gâteaux entre les mains devant votre ordinateur ou la télévision et que vous touchez vos appareils avec vos mains pleines de doigts]. Of course, we can’t clean them just like that, so this paste is the solution and you can make it at home without any worries, here’s how!
What you need:
- 250 g of transparent craft glue
- 8 g baking soda
- 30 ml of saline solution for contact lenses
- Food coloring in the color of your choice
The steps:
1) Pour the glue into a container and add the bicarbonate.

2) Mix well.

3) Add a few drops of coloring to give a nice color to your dough and stir carefully so that the color is uniform.

4) Finish mixing by adding the saline solution. Manipulate everything with your hands, your mixture should have a paste consistency.

5) To use it, simply place it on the keyboard or remote control and let the dirt stick to it. By removing the dough, these will no longer be there.