Some people wait a long time before washing bed sheets and bath towels. However, we had seen that negligence was not without risk for cloths which could cause poisoning after a few uses. So, we might wonder what the risk is of using certain household linens for too long! Besides, we ask ourselves the same question about our clothes when we don’t necessarily wash them after wearing them once. In this article, we are going to talk about the risks of postponing these washes too much. Also, we will remind you once and for all of the correct frequency for washing sheets and towels.
Not washing sheets and towels enough: what are the risks?

In our beds we sweat daily. Moreover, some people quickly feel sweating in their bedding and bed linen. To this, add skin sebum, pollen and mold and fungus attracted to this moisture. Also, let’s not forget the different mites such as bedbugs which replenish some of the dead skin that we let escape into the bed despite the mattress protector. And this happy cocktail ends up… on the sheets with which we stay in contact for hours! As a result, this leaves the door open to irritation, pimples, and even infections in certain cases.
As for towels, they evolve in a humid, hot and often dark environment. Suddenly, all the conditions are met for it to be a germ festival! However, we then rub the skin with it (sometimes very hard), which leaves micro-openings in the skin, which leaves the door open for bacteria. However, having health problems because of a towel is extremely rare as long as you don’t lend it to anyone! Indeed, they are covered in your own germs, hence the importance of keeping your towels to yourself so as not to catch any illnesses. On the other hand, skin prone to blemishes and acne will need to wash their towel more frequently because of open spots and the risk of spreading bacteria to the rest of the skin. New budding guaranteed! Plus, using a dirty bath towel to dry yourself is a bit like putting on your dirty underwear after a shower or bathing. It doesn’t make any sense…
How to wash your sheets and towels properly and how often?

For washing sheets:
Generally, we advise one wash per week. However, it may be more if there is a stain or if you sleep naked. Also, the fact ofto have been ill or having played sports without taking a shower should encourage even more frequent washing. To do this, use the highest temperature suggested on the label of your sheets. In fact, the heat will kill pathogenic bacteria and bedbugs while fighting pollen. Thus, it is a crucial point for people suffering from allergies in addition to the use of hypoallergenic products. On the other hand, don’t overdo it with your products filled with chemicals! If you overdose them, their allergenic particles will remain on the sheets and irritate the skinnotably causing itching.
For washing towels:
As for the towels, we can use them two to three days before having to change them. Of course, you will then have to let them dry in the open air between two uses. Do not fold it on itself to leave as much surface area as possible in contact with the surrounding air ! Moreover, if you have a towel dryer which therefore reduces drying time, you can go up to four days before washing. Finally, follow the same steps and tips for washing towels as for sheets, only the washing frequency changes. However, a long run in the dryer will really remove any residual moisture after a long hot wash cycle. For washcloths, however, the change must be daily, not like for bath linen!