There are a number of reasons why supermarket wipes are great. First of all, they are super effective. Plus, they’re practical: just grab one from the package and you can clean everything. Finally, they smell good. However, the big downside remains the fact that they are not good for the environment. In addition, depending on the packaging, they sometimes dry quickly (often before you have even halfway finished the package) and when using, you often need several because they quickly become dirty and less soaked. Make a compromise and try this preparation of reusable wipes for cleaning the whole house which will also be practical since they work on the same principle as purchased prepared wipes and which will also last you longer. It’s also great for those who use too much paper towel to clean the house.
What you need:

- A well-closable container such as a large jar or a baby wipes container
- Water (approximately 240 ml)
- Isopropyl alcohol (approximately 60 ml)
- White vinegar (of course! Again and again!)
- Two tablespoons of strong dishwashing detergent and degreaser
- Wipes (washcloths, rags, etc.)
- Optional: two tablespoons of ammonia
The steps:
1) Prepare your wipes by putting them in your container.
2) Mix all the liquid elements until they are perfectly combined.
3) Run your cleanser onto your wipes.

4) Adjust. If your wipes are not soaked enough, do not hesitate to remix and put some back in the container.
When you have used your wipes, you can put them in the machine and reuse them by re-soaking them.
Sources : OneGoodThing ; LivingOnADime