When it starts to get cold, we only dream of two things: a good pair of socks on our feet and our down jacket on our shoulders! The latter is essential when temperatures are at their lowest and is often synonymous with skiing and heat. On the other hand, it can give us a cold sweat when washing it… especially when drying it when we want to restore its fullness. Here are all our maintenance tips. Of course, these tips don’t exempt you from looking at the instructions on the label, but they work with many types of down jacket.
1) Washing the down jacket

Washing is not the most difficult step, on the contrary! Just be aware that you should avoid dry cleaning.
Simply slip the down jacket into the machine with two or three tennis balls or other clothes (so that the down is well ventilated). Use the program for synthetic clothing and a temperature of 30° (no more). Add your usual detergent and start the wash cycle.
We advise you to do two rinses.
2) Drying the down jacket

The down jacket will probably come out a little flat from the machine. There’s no need to worry, it can be fixed with a few simple steps. But note that it is crucial to touch carefully if you think it is dry, because if any moisture remains, the feathers will stick together and it could become moldy. Here are two effective techniques:
The dryer
The best option to regain fluffiness here remains the tumble dryer (synthetic program) for two or three cycles. As with the raplaplas pillows, add tennis balls and a few pieces of clothing here to shake and ventilate the down jacket while replacing the filling where it should be. Moreover, remember to pat the down jacket well to promote good distribution in the tubes.
In the open air
It takes longer (allow for a few days), but you can opt for a drying rack. Position her in a lying position. Make sure the down jacket is exposed to the air on both sides. Shake it, tap it and turn it regularly to promote good distribution in the sausages. That’s the secret to a well-puffed down jacket!
To avoid:
The hanger is more than recommended, because when drying, all the contents of the bags risk falling onto the bottom of the down jacket. Another false good idea: putting the down jacket next to a radiator or a heat source should be avoided. The only beneficial heat is that of the sun which dries and restores fluffiness to the down jacket. Summer would therefore be the ideal time for good drying.
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